Mako ' s best friend.

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"2 weeks! "Mako said into her phone. "That's great chiaki is going to be so excited to see cousin Mia."she said. Her cousin Mia lived in America with the American samari team, she called to tell her she is coming to visit Japan and is bringing her friends from America. "Yeah I haven't seen you guys in so long, and tell chiaki I'm keeping my promise I'm bringing him American food." Mia said. "I will but I have to call you back later Takeru is calling a meeting."she said when she was told. "Okay talk to you later ."Mia said. "Bye."Mako said. She hung up the phone and left to the throne room. (5 minutes later ) "Everyone I have an important announcement." Takeru said. I'm getting married. "He said as everyone but Mako fell back. Mako ' s phone rings and she looked at the name miu. She got up and answers her phone. "Hello. " Mako said. "Mako you should come over today I have great news " she said. "Okay see you in a few. "Mako said. She ended the call. "Chiaki I have to go but good news, cousin Mia is coming to visit with her friends from America an you tell the others miu needs me." Mako said. "Cousin Mia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted making everyone look at him. "Who's Mia?"kotoha asked. "She's our cousin, she lives in America with the American samari team." Mako said "and she is coming to visit with her friends! "Chiaki said, running around. He ran out of the room . "So Mako when do they get here? Takeru asked. "2 weeks." She said. "Well tell them they are welcome to stay here."He told her. "You don't have to do that " she said. "It's not a problem. "He said, getting up and going outside. ( go-on wings mention) Mako walked into the mention to see her best friend Miu siting on her partner /boyfriend Hiroto's lap reading a book. "Hi Miu ,hi hiroto." She said. "Hi."they said getting up. "So what's the big news?"Mako asked siting on the couch." My cousins gem and gema are coming from cornth." She said. "Wow you too?" Mako asked. "What do you mean me too?" Miu asked. "My cousin Mia and her friends are coming to visit to." Mako said. "Cool ,we should plan for them." Miu said. "Okay let's start now. "Mako said getting up and walking to Miu's flower room. Miu had a huge garden outside, so she makes homemade flower boucas but she never sold them  . "So Mako when was the last time you talked to takuer? "Miu asked. "What do you mean I live in the same house as him and the others ." Sha said not understanding the question. "You usually always has something to say about him. "Miu said. "No i don't, do I ?" She asked hoping it was not true. "Yeah you kinda do." Miu said with a smile seance Mako never noticed. "Well he's getting married."she said casually till... " What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Miu shouted making hiroto drop something in the kitchen. "What do you mean he's getting married!?" She asked upset that the guy that her best friend has been crushing on was gitting married to another girl. "Jii said he is supposed to marry at 18 but with all the commotion over gedoshu he couldn't find a bride, so they choos one for him and you will never guss who."Mako said. "Who?!" Miu shouted. "Saki's older sister " Mako said. "What! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " Miu shouted "Shanchuu! ,she tried to take Ani from me" she said standing up. "Well she is a good match for him according to the samurai Council" Mako said "we need to stop this. " Miu said with a upset look. "How do you suppose we do that." Mako asked  " leave that to me."Miu said with smile

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