" last chapter"

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(Play the song when they start dancing)
" Mako wake up we're here." Takeru says. " where are we?" Mako says as she wakes up. " the airport come on we are going to visit your family." He says. it got cold out so he put his jacket on her. " how are we gonna visit my family we have no cloths and it's so sudden " Mako says. They walk in together holding hands and Takeru cheeked them in and the border just in time for take off. They both kept getting calls tired of ignoring it all takeru put out a message.
(I'm sorry you all we need to be alone for a while. Don't worry we are safe and fine we are on our way to Hawaii I will tell you when we arrive. don't worry we will be fine. After a long flight they arrived in Hawaii and went to the hotel the members got for takeru. They slept then in the morning went shopping for clothes he bought everything and they changed into something less fancy. they then headed to mako's family who lived hawaii when they arrived it was a surprise to the family but they were happy to see them. they spent time together after a long time of being apart and when mako was not around he told her family how much he loved mako and asked for their permission to marry her when the time comes. they agreed having had members server under his family for years they knew what kind of family he was brought up in and they would be putting mako into. He assured them it would soon but before mako's mother agreed she wanted to talk to mako to see if she had feelings for takeru. that night mako stayed with her parents and her mother came to her which mako was upset about. with her mother's legs the way they were she didn't want her to do much but she didn't listen like her daughter. "mako i have a serious question to ask you." her mother says mako looked at her. "do you love takeru or do you just like him because this visit was so sudden and you were with willam 24 hours ago yet you show up here with takeru i feel something is wrong." her mother says. "mom you know i have never had a boyfriend in my life other than william but it didn't work out and we broke up yesterday." mako says. "why? when? where?" her mother asked. "it was at the wedding venue before the wedding he proposed to me and i didn't answer because i was not ready." mako says." are you sure you were not ready or did you not love him like a certain person." her mother says." i guess both cases i had the feeling no matter how long i would have been with him i no matter how much i liked him i would not love him enough to marry him." mako says. "okay now tell me the truth if takeru were to come in here right now and ask you to marry him what you say?" her mother asked mako stayed quiet but her mother saw the smile on her face she was picturing it. "well thats all i needed to know." her mother says and leaves but mako didnt knotice till she stopped daydreming she just went to sleep and the next moring she woke up when she heard takeru in the house. they spent another day with her family then went back to the hotel they stayed at they spent the rest of their trip having fun and exploring hawaii till it was time to go home where they would be ataced with questions from the members. on the plane mako stayed quite she was worried when takeru sat down he saw her face and held her hand. she woke up from her zoning out. "why do you look so scared?" he asked. "do you think they will be mad at us?" mako asked." who?" he asked. "the others we left them in that church to deal with angry and confused people, then flew across the country and have not contacked them for a week." mako says. "well when you put it that way i get it but they are out family they would not be that upset. beside its not like they can kick us out its my house. dont worry even if they are upset they will forgive us becase we did more then jsut stop a wedding." he says. "like what?" ahe asked. " well now they dont have to spend the rest of their lives dealling with shanchuu, they don't have to move out, they dont have to worry us being with someone they turst and more." he says he kissed her hand and she relxed with is words she fell asleep soon and they flew for houres and arived back in japn safly. they took a taxi to the shiba house and walked in to see the members sitting the living room. They stood saw the two and instently jumped up. Kotoha ran to Mako and hugged her . Mako thought it was because she was worried but no. " I can't be live you go my did it!" Kotoha says the other were happy too. " You guys really aren't mad at us. I mean we stopped the wedding, and left for a week and didn't contact you all." Mako says. " do you want us to be angry?" Genta asked. " No but i feared you would be." Mako says. " No way we are happy you two finally admited your feelings, we don't have to live through shanchuu's reign of power in the Shiba house, and we all can be together longer." Ryunosuke says. " your right well since that is over what should be do. " Mako says." how about I cook for us and you can tell us about your trip." Genta says they all agreed and spent the day together
Next year
Mako and takeru have been dating well and have no intention of braking up anytime soon. It was time and takeru wanted to make it big kotoha was in the middle of keeping Mako busy. The others were decorating the house takeru flew her parents in and their friends were all there to help. Mako couuld tell kotoha was keeping her busy she was not easy to surprise.  However Mako thought it was a birthday surprise. Yes it was but she didn't know the other half. Take was planing to ask her to marry him once they cut the cake. Kotoha finally took her home where the party was and when she saw her parents she could not believe it. They had a good time for hours then it was time they sung happy birthday to Mako and she blow out her candles but takeru didn't have anytime. Chikai grabbed the 2 layer cake and smashed it into Mako's face the first layer now all over her. They laughed and Mako got him back by poring icecubs down his shirt from her juice. No one noticed but takeru had disappeared he was now worried he needed another plan fast. Mako went to clean herself up she changed into a pink dress with white flowers that ties around her neck and white wedges. When she came out she saw the back door open worried she looked out and saw takeru by the river. She looked to see the others still enjoying the party then ran out to be him. While Pacing  back and forth Mako came up and scared him. He was surprised by her which made her laugh. " wow you look beautiful." He says. " do you think it's to much?" She asked worried. " No it's amazing it makes me feel like dancing the waltz, or salsa." He says then randomly starts dancing. She laughed he was cute and odd but she loved that. " Well the something about those dances is they are better with 2 people." Mako says she played a song on her phone it was a Spanish song called sabor a mi.(I really like the exo version)
She grabbed his hands and they started dancing together. It was romantic they started talking as they danced. " takeru do you love me?" She asked. " of course." He says. " Well if you love me what have you not proposed yet?" She asked he was silent and she instantly regretted saying that. " I'm not trying to rush you but i feel this is a good time to get married at lest in our case." She says he spins her out then back with her back to his chest. They swayed to the sound of music. " Well since you brought it up I have been thinking about being this girlfriend boyfriend thing." He says Mako stops moving and gets away from him. " takeru are you braking up with me what did I do whatever it is in sorry ill do better it won't happen again. " she says about to cry but he grabed her hand. " No no no Mako that is not what I meant. I ment we should move to the next level." He says her head tilts to the side. He takes out his brush and drows his symbol for fire then another for air that came out pink and combined them. The reaction balled up and flew into the sky. " watch." He says she looked up just in time for it to explode the words will you marry me exploded. She looked back to see takeru on one knee holding a ring box. She jumped up and down then ran to him she hugged him and he lifted her up. " So is that a yes?" He asked. " No." She says. " what!?" He asked scared. " it's a absolutely." Mako find her after her little scare he could not stop smiling he kissed her and they spun around. At the sound of explaining the others in the house realised the two were gone. After a few minutes they were going to look for them but the two came back. " oh are you okay we hear exploding outside." Mako's mother says." there were fireworks out there." Mako says she runs over to Miu who was talking with Saki and Kotoha. She put her left hand in front of her and Miu saw the ring she screamed so loud everyone looked over at her. " where did this come from?" Miu says. Everyone looks at Mako's hand Miu was holding and sees a diamond ring. " I'm engaged!" Mako shouts the room fills with screms and cheers for the couple. The rest of night if full of cheers and happiness
Few month later
Mako and her father stood and waited for the doors to open one last time. " are you ready?" Her father asked. " let's get me married." Mako says the doors open to revile Mako in the most beautiful dress. And her face covered by a Vail with a crown on her head they make it to the alter where her father kisses her hand then gives it to takeru. " are you ready?" He asked her befor they stepped up. " if I'm with you always." She says the guest all fall in love with the couple. The seats are filled with family, friends, other teams of super sentai. It was now times to say the vows. " Mako you and everyone who knows me knows I'm tarrable at expressing my feelings but for you they will poor out like a waterfall. There is no way to describe what feel for you, for today, or the future but one thing that will never change is the fact that my love for you will never be enough to send a man to the moon alone but with you  my world is whole and will never be torn down. Even if I die right now I would die happy because with you nothing can take me down." Takeru says Mako was gonna cry but she had to say her speech
" Takeru I have been by your side for years with a wepan in my hands ready to fight anyone who tries to take you done. And this new chapter of out lives I remain the same. Why and how we were chosen to be together is not the question it how will we move forward in our lives as people, Warriors, family, and lovers.
I don't care if I have to leave this earth to be by your side but im willing to do so now and forever." Mako says the ceremony went and they are about to say i do when the doors burst open reveling shanchuu. She was in her wedding dress as well covered in tears and blood she ran to the alter and this frighted everyone. " shanchuu what happens to you?" Saki asked. " I made a deal with someone who was giving away master x's river water to those who could do him a favor. I was surprised when we had the same idea he wanted the shekenger dead and so do I so the only way to kill the person I want is to kill all who protect her." Shanchuu says. " shanchuu takeru is not the only man in this world. There are more men who are, good looking rich, and are willing to love you the way you are. " saki says. " You shut up you trader im your sister and you came to this wedding. I know there are more men but im not here because I want takeru im here because I want recent on Mako." Shanchuu says he walks forward but the other members of the shekenger get up with their weapons to stop her from getting near Mako. " You think you can stop me i am the most powerful being now the tears of a unsatisfied braid can kill the indestructible!" Shanchuu shouts however it was stopped by a sword pushed throw her chest she fell to her knees screaming. She looked To see saki behind her with tears in her eyes.  " You little backstaber im gonna kill you." She says she wants to get up but can't move. " why cant i move?!" She yelled. " I stabedd you where you would not feel it but has the most impact: your heart." Saki says. " why would I not feel that?" Shanchuu asked. " because you no longer have one." Mako says she gets down from the alter and runs to saki and hugs her." When you drink that water even if it has become safe for you you would still give something up in your case it's obvious it was your heart." Mako says. " how could you do that to your own sister?" Shanchuu says. " I spent my whole life having to live with you mistreating me, roving me and my friends and you just not caring just so you can do something like this. I hope in your next life you can be a better person." Saki says she picks up the sword and pushed it back into shanchuu's heart and twisted it killing her. Her body broke down into red ash and burned away. " saki maybe we should call this off and postpone it." Mako says. " No way you waited so long for this she is not gonna stop it." Saki says. " are you sure?" Mako asked saki grabs her band and pulls her back to the alter with takeru. " yes now hurry we still have a while party to get throw." Saki says and runs to her seat. " takeru do you take Mako to be your wife to have and to hold in sickness and health as long as you both shall live?" The official asked. " I do." Takeru says. " do you Mako take takeru to have and to hold in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live." He repeated. " I do." Mako says. " then by the power vested in me i pronouns you husband  and wife you may kiss the braid." The official says the two share a kiss and the crowd want nuts pink and red flowers busted into the air and showered down on everyone. Everyone was happy and the rest of night was full of happy cheers, dancing, and drinks for thoes who could. Around 2 am the newly weds get into their car that takes them to the airport where they fly off to Thailand for there honey moon.

Two years later Mako sat in their home the two wanted a new house so they moved to big beautyful house close to the shiba house where they had their first born child Akina. She was beautiful little girl who resimbal her mother and father. She was spoiled by her family and loved her parents would groom her to be the next head of the shiba clan maybe.
Mako and takeru were happy as ever once their daughter was born their lives got even better. The 3 were unseprabal and loved eachother to death and soon another little shiba was their way.

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