playing around

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Mako woke up the next morning and went for a run, she past Genta's cart she stopped for water and when she turned around she saw Takeru and shanuuch walking tords them. "Well i have to go she says." But it's too late and they see her. Shanuuch sat down and started to flirt with Takeru again, mako was not able to go because Takeru would not stop staring at her. "Well you two enjoy your date, I'll see you back at the house. " Mako say she tried to leave again but was pulled out but Genta. "You can't leave me here alone with them I'll get sick." He says. "You have to work in don't want to see them it's creepy." She says Takeru was looking at her the whole time. "10 more minutes then you can go." He says. "Genta this is sushi they can finish in less then 10 minutes I don't want to be here." She says." Fine 5." He says she nodded. "So what have you two been up to today?" She asked. "Oh well we are walking and talking learning about eachother." Shanchuu says happily Genta put another plate of sushi out that he named in English. "This is the avocado salmon rap with sesame oil and dried liver." He says of course no one but mako understood before Takeru ate it she stopped him. "Hey don't eat it there is sesame in it your allergic to it." She says after translation for herself."oh thanks here Shanchuu." He says giving her the whole plate that was covered in the oil and got another without. "I suggest you translate the dish names for different types of clients." Mako says the 5 minutes were up and she left quickly she was able to reach a park after a few minutes. She saw 4 kids looking sad on the playground, she walked over to them to see what was wrong. "Hey what's wrong?" She asked. "We lost our ball earlier, when we found it some lady poped it when it hit her foot." The little girl says. "Well did you apologize before she poped it?" Mako asked they all nodded. "Well that's rude I'm sorry you're ball was poped but you can still have fun it's all playground you can do many things like swing on swings, play in the sand box, hide and seek there are many fun things to do. Come on I'll help you." She says they get up and follow her. "Okay let's play hide and seek I'll count to 20 then come find you." She says they nodded. "123456...." they ran around looking for places to hide, he they all found a place to hide when she was at 15 and waited. "20 okay here i come." She says she finds all the kids one by one in less then 3 minutes and it keeps going after 3 rounds mako was hiding when Takeru and Shanchuu walked by, he saw mako and called out to her. She put her finger over her lips telling him to hush but it was too late. "I found you." The little boy says he jumps out to get mako she lifted him up and brought him back to the other 3 kids. Suddenly they all started to play tag and the sun was going down. Takeru had watched mako with the kids and Shanchuu stayed with him. "Look at her she is our age and she is playing with babies, what is she doing. " Shanchuu says. "I like it that means when she gets married and has kids she will be able to play and care foe them." He says never looking away from mako. Shanchuu wanted to go home so she called a car to come get her it arrived 15 minutes later." Takeru are you comeing?" She asked. "Im good I'll just walk home with mako we live in the same place anyway." He says Shanchuu was not happy with his answer but there was not much she could do about it so she left in her car. After about 10 more minutes of playing mako noticed how dark it was and that the kids should head home or that their parents should have come to get them at one point. "Hey kids I know we have had fun but don't you think it's time for you to head home." She says. "Why you don't like us anymore?" One of the little girls asked. "Oh no it's not that it's just that it's getting dark and your parents could be worried about you." She says patting the girls head, then they all started to look guilty. "Whats with those faces?" She asked. "Nothing can't we play a little bit longer." The oldest of the 4 asked. "I wish I could but I'm not a legal guardian to any of you and we can get in trouble for this. Plus I have someone waiting for me too." She says she shows them Takeru. "Is that your daddy?" The youngest asked. "No way he is too young to be her daddy that's her boyfriend." The oldest said mako laughed." What makes you think he is my boyfriend?" She asked him. "Well my older sister says a boy who waits for a girl or comes around to watch her as long as the girl isn't scared then they are dating." He says. "Well sometimes that is true but other times he could be a brother or cousin, are just a really good friend." She says. "Well is he your brother or cousin?" The asked. "No." She says. "Then he is your good friend." They asked she nodded. "Do you like him?" The oldest girl asked mako almost nodded her head." That's off topic we should get you home come on I'll take you all." Mako says they all look guilty again." Okay what's up why do you all look like this when I tell you go home?" She asked. "Well our families kind of don't know we are here." The youngest boy says mako is shocked. "What do you mean?" She says. "Well we all snuck put of our houses to come play when our mommy's and daddy's said no." The oldest girl says. "Oh my God why did you do that that is dangerous for you all." She says they look sad. "Were sorry." They say looking down." It's okay I'll just take you all home now so they won't call the police and start a crazy search." Mako says they nodded and followed her Takeru got up when she walked over."Hello who is this?" He asked mako then remembered. "Wow I played with them for the whole day and I forgot to ask their names. Kids please introduce yourselfs." She says. The oldest went first. "Im Akeno." He says bowing. "Im
Daiki." The other boy says bowing. "Im hikaru." The oldest girls says. "Im Rie." She says they bow. "Nice to meet you all i'm Takeru and that's Mako." He says they smile. "So we're are you off to." I have to take them home so their parents don't panic." She says he nodded. "I'll come with you." He says. "You dont have to where did Shanchuu go?" She asked. "She left a while ago I stayed back so I could walk home with you."he says. "You two live together." Akeno asked they nodded. "Then are you married?" He asked. "No no no why would you think that?" Mako asked. "My older sister says two people who live together are married like our mommy and daddy." He says. "Well we live together with 5 other people in a big house so we are not married but we are still good friends. " Takeru says. "Okay everyone grab someone's hand then lead the way to your home." Mako says to stop the conversation. Rie and Daiki argued over who gets to hold Akeno's hand hikaru took his hand to make them be quite given they could not disobey her. The two grabbed hands the oldest led the way while walking mako and Takeru were behind them making sure they didn't get separated. Akeno looked to see if everyone was there and he says both Takeru and mako with their hands in their pockets he stopped walking making everyone stop. "Why did you stop?" Mako asked. "You two aren't following the system." He says. "Huh." Mako says. "The buddy system says at least 2 people have to hold hands in the group." He says. "Oh well are older so we don't have hold hands." She says. "Then why do we all have to hold hands?" He asked. "Because there is a better chance of you guys getting lost separated if you are all over the place." Mako explained she thought she had won but he let go of hikaru's hand. "If you won't follow the rules neither will i." He says sence hikaru was left hanging she she did the same. The little kids followed refusing to hold hands if they didn't. Takeru was surprised by these kids but took the opportunity, he grabed Mako's hand and laced their fingers. She was shocked but didn't complain when the kids went back to holding hands
They all walked till they reached the first house Rie's the youngest girl. Mako knocked on the door and a worried woman opened it. She saw mako and the others then saw her daughter she picked her up and gave her what felt like a hundred kisses. "Thank God your okay where we're you?" The mother asked. "Im sorry to intruded but I found her at the park a day it's kind of my falt they are home so late in didn't think to ask were their parents were I'm sorry." Mako says bowing to the mother. "It's okay it's not all your falt she is still in trouble for sneaking out of the house after I told her she couldn't go." Rie's mother says. "Well we will be on our way to take the rest of the kids."Mako says. "Okay thank you and you won't have to go too far for Daiki he lives 2 doors down, hikaru is on the next block and Akeno is right next to her." The mother say. "Thank you. " Mako says. The 5 get to Daiki's house where a angry man answers the door and sees them. "Get in here." He says Daiki ran in. "Sir I'm sorry I found him at the playground and didn't think to ask for his parents." Mako says. "Crazy girl if his mother had found out do you know what would have happened bad things just get out and you 2 say goodbye too this one you will never see him again." The man says pointing to Akeno and hikaru. They went to hug him but the father stopped them how dare you two try to hug him in my present." He says. "Were sorry." Hikaru says sadly. "Oh I should just." He raised his hand to threaten her but Akeno stood in front of her to take the hit. It never came because mako stopped it. "Sir don't you think that's a bit harsh they are just children." She says letting go of his hand he was shooked how strong she was for a girl. "For a girl your quite strong to catch that hit but still it doesn't concern you the way I plan to raise him." He says to mako. "That's is very sexist and could you please call your son by his name." She says. "Listen little lady I'm not his father, nor do I want to be in didn't go looking for him as you think without him I can more of what I want which is his mother so back off." He said mako was not accepting this. "Well if you don't need him then he can come with me and I'll bring him back when his mother arrives so you don't have to deal with him." Mako says. "Ha you think I'm stupid if i did that then you would tell her what I just said now get lost." He says he pushed Mako's sholder Takeru grabbed his hand and almost snapped his rest. "Look your right it's your business but you should never put your hands on a woman like that or kids." He says. "Look just get out of my house." He says. "Actually you can get out." The hear from the gate the gate opened to show Daiki 's mother a business woman in a white sute. "Oh dear your back." He says acting nice she smiled then walked over." Sweetheart who are these people?" She asked. "They found the child at the playground and brought him back." He says. "Oh and what was this about you not caring about my baby to the point that when he went missing you didn't try to look for him." She says. "No i was just talking crap of course I went to look for him?" He says. "Really in your underwear." She says they all knew he was in his underwear choose not to look at them." I....i..." He stuttered. "That's what I thought get out." She said she walked in you all come in I'll call their parents but Daiki come on its bed time." She says he gets picked up and taken to his room." There are knocks on the door from her no ex boyfriend. She calls the other two parents and they said they would wait for them."So you found him at the park?" She asked they nodded. "Well thank you for bringing him home and for defining him and his friends from that bastard outside." She says. "I know it's your chose but will he really never be aloud to see them again. The woman smiled and shook her head, mako smiled and they left they walked till they got to hikaru's house were her parents just let her in not scold her or mako and Takeru. The same thing for Akeno's parents after getting the call they were not as worried or upset so they just let them go. Finally mako and Takeru were on there way home, they forgot they were still holding hands. They kept walking and talking at one point while laughing he tried over his own feet but didn't fall because mako kept him balance. He stood up and she let go of his hand they kept walking. "So where did Shanchuu go?" She asked. "She left in stayed to walk with you." He says. "Well thank you." She says. "No problem how did you meet those kids anyway?" He asked. "When I left Genta's stand I walked past the park, they were sad because some mean lady poped their ball so played with them they you know hat happens and here we are." She says they walked the rest of the way home and went to bed.

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