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Cleverly awoke disoriented. Was that someone at the door? She laid there, in her bed at the Leaky Cauldron as her heart beat fast. Maybe she had imagined it. But then she heard it again.


A million things raced through her head.

Who could it be?

She threw off the covers and stood up quickly, feeling dizzy. When she opened the door she gasped.

"Cleverly," Breccan said. There he stood. Just how he looked the last time Cleverly had seen him. His dark curly hair was just over his eyebrows. His hands in his pockets on his jacket.

I just woke up. I must look terrible, she thought, suddenly feeling self conscious. Wait--why is he here? What?!

"Breccan," she said. "What are you--"

"Did you read my note?" he interrupted.

"Y--yes. How did you find--"

"Well what do you say? Florean Fortescue's for ice cream Thursday?"

"Well...I suppose--"

"Why are you here?" He questioned. "Where is your family?"

"I was--well, you see--I um--" What was she supposed to say? Why wasn't he answering her questions?

"You lied to me. To everyone." He said, shocked. His eyes glistened with disgust but they didn't leave hers. Cleverly just stood there, in shock. She shook her head.

"No, no, I--" she stuttered.

"Cleverly," he whispered.

The she woke up.


Cleverly awoke with her heart booming. She laid in the bed for some time after she woke up--almost expecting Breccan to knock on the door. He didn't.

No, no. He has no idea I'm here. It was just a dream. I'm fine.

Closing her eyes, she pretended it was just another day. And that she was waking up in her dormitory. Athalie was just a few feet away in her bed. Cleverly strained her ears for Athalie's even breathing, but only heard the floor creak from the room next door. Every morning Cleverly would lay in bed and listen to the other girls sleep until one of them woke up. She would hop out of bed, put on her robes and go down to the Great Hall for breakfast. She would go to classes and do her assignments, like clockwork. She pretended that Breccan hadn't told her anything about liking her. They were just friends.

When she opened her eyes, she wasn't entirely disappointed to find she was still in the Leaky Cauldron.

It had been a late night talking with Ferg. She hadn't realized how good it would feel to tell someone, even if she didn't know them. They had made plans to meet each other for tea and biscuits in the afternoon, which gave her a warm feeling inside. Having confided in him lifted a load off her back. It made her feel better about whatever came next.

Sitting up in bed Cleverly rubbed her eyes and sighed. She never felt good in the mornings. Her hair was always a tangly mess. Her face oily and her lips chapped. After the terrible dream, she only felt worse.

After years of waiting for it, it was here.

The future is here, she thought. No, that doesn't make sense. It can't be the future if it is happening right now. The present is here.

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