Chapter 2: Feline Friends

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Aphrodite's POV:
"Doll master?!?!? Dollhouse?!?!?" I yell. He simply laughs and says "I know you have a lot of questions. Let me elaborate. I am a master craftsman who specializes in dolls. I create the worlds most beautiful dolls. I only wished human could be more like dolls, perfect and obedient. But every human has their flaws. Even the most beautiful person can have an ugly personality. So I divided that my beautiful crafts must come to life. This is the place I collect beautiful people to become my dolls. You are expected to dress your roll, be obedient, and come out to play. As the doll master, you are expected to follow every one of my order. Understand?" I am scared of him and what he can do. I pull yourself together and calmly agree. I stutter as I say "y-yes sir."

He laughs as he admits that he didn't think I would agree that easily. He hands me some clothes and tell me to change into them. He then says "I can't wait until it's playtime." Which totally creeps me out even more. I quickly realize that this guy is sick and out of his mind. I then divide that I need to escape. But I can't escape without any clothes so I quickly throw on one of the outfits he gave me. It is  blue and white lacy dress.

I rush over to the window and try to open it. I realize that it is bolted shut. I rush over to the door and realize that it is open. I find that kind of strange but go through it anyway. I walk out and realize that my room was just part of a set. I think that maybe this is just some sort of prank. Or that maybe I'm on some sort of a reality show. I wonder, is Punk'd still a thing? Then I hear someone say "No."

Started I ask who that was. Then I see a girl in an odd white hat, long green dress, and short white apron. She says "I did." I rush over to her. "I don't know who you are but could you please tell me where I am?" I ask her. She rudely says "Why? Did the doll master not give you his speech?" I tell her that he did but that I'm not sure what to think of it.

She rudely tells me that that's none of her concern. She starts to walk away so I yell to her to wait. I rush over to her and ask her to please tell me what's going on. She gets mad and angrily says " I don't owe you any kind of explanation when I never got one myself. You've been here 5 minutes and your already demanding answers." Angry I reply "All I'm asking you to do is tell me how to get out of this place." She tells me that no one ever escapes the doll house. Then she walks away.

On the verge of tears I wonder what she means. Then I wonder what the hell she was wearing. I walk into another hall and realize that it looks nothing like the last one. This one is dark and dingy. The walls look scratched and there's some rusty metal doors. I decide to turn right but then I hear a sound. I quickly run right into another hall.

This place is like a maze. All the rooms looks incredibly different from the one before. Each door only leads to more halls. I see a fancy looking door. It looks promising. I try to open it but it won't budge. Then a girl comes running to my in short cheetah print shorts and tank top. She tells me not to open the door.

I ask her why not and she tells me that if I do I'll regret it. She leads me to a room and I wonder why I followed her. I wonder if I can trust anyone in this godforsaken place.

She tells me that she knows I'm skeptical about her but that she would try her best to explain. I apologize and tell her that I'm not sure who I can trust. I tel her that this is all so confusing. She tells me not to worry. She says "we get it." Wait we? I ask her "what do you mean WE?" Another girl I didn't notice before in the same outfit just all black say "yes we." I assume that they are both twins. They tell me that they are trapped here too.

The one in the cheetah outfit say that her name is Preet and the other girl is her sister, Julie. I introduce myself as Aphrodite Baker. I ask them how they got stuck here. They tell me to sit down. I sit in a chair across from their small bed. Preet says "let me start from the beginning. "Our family like to throw occasional lavish get togethers. They are not that uncommon in such a big family like ours. However, they are absolutely suffocating. One can only take so much of judge mental aunts and drunk uncles before wanting to get away for a little bit. I went outside for a smoke break."

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