Chapter 4: Forbidden

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Aphrodite's POV:
This is honestly so must to take in. Everything they told me... how sick is this man? Julie tells me that every week or so the doll master has what he calls "playtime". Then Preet explains "Basically he brings all of his hostages together to force them to act the way he wants them to." Julie add that "since we are his "dolls", he takes great pride in controlling each of our movements." Disgusted i ask them what happens if we disobey him? Preet runs off sobbing. I ask Julie what happened.

*narrated flashback*
Julie's POV
*Your probably wondering what this place is. Preet and I have been here long enough to explore most of the building. We concluded this place to actually be a doll factory. But the equipment hasn't been touched in years. We are guessing that this place dates back to the 20's. And why are the rooms so different? They're designed like sets with fake backgrounds and lighting. Each room has themes and such. The rooms look the way they do to resemble..... a dollhouse. One thing we realized was that all rooms were accessible. All.... except one. Along with us Axel and Castilla. Axel was the only guy there at the time, and Preet was falling for him. He was kind and timid. Most importantly he liked her back.*

Preet POV *flashback*
I was hanging out with Axel and he he realized I was sad. He looked at me concerned and asked "what's wrong, Preet? Are you alright?" I tell him that I know it's already been 5 months since we arrived but that I still have hope that we can escape.  "I know. Some part of me still wants to hope, but it really is useless. His security system is impossible to get through." I tell him that I don't understand why we don't all just attack him. Shocked he tells me that he can kill all of us with just one push of a button. Horrified I ask him if that's true.

Axel says that he has made the "doll master" in readably angry before. "He sent so many electrical signals through my earpiece that I had a seizure. He told me all about how his technology is what allows him to hold so many people here without a problem. This place is completely locked down. Every inch of it. Not only that, but he also has cameras everywhere to keep an eye on us." Horrified i ask him if that means that the "Doll master" can hear everything that we are saying right now. Axel informs me that "he doesn't have any form of sound detection installed. He wants to keep an eye on us, but he still wants the illusion of us being dolls. And dolls only speed the words that are given to them by their master."

I sigh as I say "what a fucking psycho." Axel tells me sadly "At least you haven't been here long enough to find out all of this info through personal experience." Disappointed I ask "So there really isn't any way out of here? Have you tried al the possibility's?" Shyly Axel says "well....." eccentric i ask him. "Well what?!? There's still a way??"

He leads me to the locked door. He then informs me that no one has ever gone through that door except the doll master himself. I tel him that that door is probably the way out. That we must get through it. I start pushing at the door when I hear Axel say "no!! Don't do that!!"

*Axel began to explain to Preet that when he first arrived at the factory, he searched everywhere in hopes of escaping. Every time he came to this door, it was tightly locked. Every now and then, he heard muffled sobbing coming from behind the door. He decided to try to break in one day, and that's when the Dollmaster sent a medley of electrical signals through his nerves.*

"What ever is behind that door.... he doesn't want it being known." Axel tells me.

*Romance between the dolls is forbidden unless instructed by the doll master. Each doll has their own role. Mine and preets is to be house cats. Castilla  and Axel are pheasants. And the dollmaster is the the king. Axel and Castilla were supposed to be together. That's they way the game goes. But things don't always go according to plan....*

Axel and I are in love. Where were standing around talking and before I knew it he was kissing me. And I kissed him back. When superbly I hear Castilla yelling. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!?!?" Shocked I ask her if she was there the whole time. But then Castilla says the rudest thing possible. "Axel, what's re you doing with this slutty cat? You're supposed to be with me." Angry axel replies "Just because we have to be together for this fucked up game doesn't mean I wasn't to be with you." She runs off crying. I ask him if he thinks that might have been a little harsh. We start flirting again when I hear "Oh, what do we have here? Some troublesome dolls?" It is the dollmaster.

I am horrified. I stutter out dollmaster? And he says to me with an evil smirk on his face "looks like one of my kittens is misbehaving." Then angry he adds "We'll just have to fix that, won't we?" He slaps me unconscious.

*When Preet falls to the ground axel gets angry. He tells to the dollmaster that he will kill him. The dollmaster punched axel.*

*Present time*
Aphrodite's POV

"Preet woke up the next day in her bed soaked in blood and water. She had no clue where axel was or what happened after she fainted. She thought Castilla told on them so she confronted her."

Preets POV
I know you snitched on us, and axel is in trouble because of you. I angrily tell Castilla. Castilla, also angry says that she didn't say anything and that "he probably say you two on the cameras." I take a deep breath and tell her that I'm nervous.

*Preet and Castilla spend days looking for Axel, but to no avail. It seemed as if he had just vanished. They walk into a room full of dolls and see a doll that looks exactly like Axel. They were horrified.*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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