Losing Her

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"What's taking mom and dad so long?" I ask Hailey starting to become anxious with my curiosity taking a hold of me. Wondering where they are and why haven't they gotten home yet. It's passed ten already and they're never gone this late.

"How should I know? Probably decided to watch another movie or something." she replies not looking away from the TV screen as she continues watching her movie.

A boring movie I might add that I've been watching off and on for the past hour. I could just go to my room but there isn't anything to do in there either. Hanging out alone in my room doesn't seem any better than sitting out here. I should be at Lukas' hanging out like we planned. Hanging out watching a better movie than this or at least playing a game. Even simply talking to him would have been better than hanging out with Hailey who has full control of the tv and I'm fully aware she rather me not disturb her.

Why did I have to get grounded today? It sucks being stuck at home when I didn't even do anything. Heck I can't even remember what the reason was now. I honestly stopped paying attention to what was being said by my mom after she said I was grounded. While dad said nothing as he stood watching as she continued to nag at me.

The main topics were about my school grades from my last report card I got before summer vacation started, low test grades and not listening to her when she is talking. Okay I guess I do know why I'm grounded but not all of it is my fault. I shouldn't be grounded when summer has just started. That's the worse possible way to start it off especially two weeks after my birthday.

First off I don't know why she said I'm not listening to her and disrespecting her. I listen to her all the time even when I don't want to. I might ignore her sometimes when she tells me to wash the dishes after dinner and clean my room but I hate doing either. As for my grades and bad test scores most of it was due to having teachers that didn't teach me right. Not my fault and what does she expect? I'm not a genius and never claimed to be. Yeah I let my grades slip a bit but not by much. I'm not freaking Hailey who gets A's and B's in every class because she's the teachers pet. Not me and never will be.

Then after all that she had the nerve to tell me the stupid kissing tale again just to throw it in. Acting like it isn't just some made up story she made up to scare Hailey and I. Does she not realize I'm not five anymore willing to believe fake tales of something impossible?

Like seriously I'm thirteen now not a little kid. I wish she would get that through her head by now. She doesn't need to continue her stupid make believe story anymore. I don't believe it and never will.

"Are you gonna get that?" Hailey asks at the sound of the house phone ringing.

"Can't you? You're exactly the same distance from it as I am." I reply actually getting her to look away from the movie she's been glued to for so long.

"Fine. I so wish mom didn't ground you so I could have spent tonight by myself instead of with you." she complains getting up to get the phone and I can't agree more with her.

"Yeah so do I. It would have been better than watching this." I add.

"Whatever." she says before answering the phone.

"Hello?" she says into the phone, probably our parents. "Dad, I can't understand you. What do you mean something happened?" I hear and my heart immediately starts racing. That isn't what I expected or wanted to hear Hailey ask and it only makes me more nervous and scared wondering what's going on.

"What happened?" I ask getting up from the couch and walking over to where Hailey is standing. Tears rushing down her cheeks but she still hasn't answered my question.

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