letter two

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Dear Diary,

Bloody hell. Malfoy is a git. I tried approaching him today and he waved me goodbye instead. He's always like this; ignoring me like I'm a piece of dust. Rather bizarre isn't it? Everyone should be dusting him off. Not me.

I fainted in Herbology today. Like always. Madam Pomfrey suggested I take two of my afternoon pills. We ended up telling her about my disease since it was essential for my medical needs. Recently I hadn't been taking them since I was going to die either way. What was the point of feeding your body drugs if they barely worked? I would rather faint than swallow those plastic capsules with some "magical" powder in them.

Malfoy took me to the hospital wing. He seemed rather annoyed and called me heavy. Maybe he was just weak, I had drastically lost weight over the past weeks so I was definitely did not meet my standard weight but that was fine. I had a free piggyback ride so it was worth it.

He stayed with me until she came and left without another word. Not even a goodbye, he's funny isn't he? A funny git. That's what he is.

Later on the day when I felt much better, I pulled him away to the gardens. Hogwarts was making new gardens near Hagrids, they would be here by next year. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to see them complete, but that didn't stop me from going there of course.

I told him there. I told him I was dying. He just shrugged and nodded. Yeah, bizarre indeed. It took him a few seconds to believe me. He said:

"You're actually dying? Why is that?"

"Blood curse."

After that he just nodded. I guess I was so used to pitiful smiles and pouting that I was surprised at his straight faced reaction. Nevertheless, I was kind of glad it was a different one. He promised not tell a soul, and if he did I would beat his arse.

I told him I brought him here so he could spend my last days with me; he refused and said it would cause rumors like any of that mattered.

What a centered man. An aloof one too I might add.

I kept convincing him until he shrugged in response. The shrug seemed to lean more into a 'I'll only say yes because this weird girl is bothering me' instead of a firm, confident, yes. But that was fine. I would make him enjoy my time with me. Everything would stay as friends between us, though I longed for a romantic relationship I didn't want to leave people with a depressing feeling. Maybe I should've dated Nott in year six.

He had left me again. But I yelled that we would meet at Honeydukes today. I was afraid he wouldn't show up but he surprisingly did, but he was with Zabini; thankfully Blaise invited me to the table, he offered me some sweets but I had to refuse, the doctor placed heavy restrictions like always.

We talked and talked until our mouths ran tired and our stomachs hurt from laughing. Draco stayed quiet as a mouse, he would nod and say a few words here and there but there was no sort of meaning to them. No passion, no enthusiasm. Boring.

But I would make him fun. That was my duty. To have fun and make someone fun before I left.

After all, I wanted to be the brightest star in a night sky that he could look at, and think about me as soon as he did. I wanted to shine.

Ophelia Du Pont

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