letter seven

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Dear Diary,

I wish I had a time turner sometimes. Today didn't end the way I expected it to at all. I was supposed to go out to Hogsmeade with some others, everything was going well. Viola and Hannah and I were making the plans till I mentioned Malfoy. Viola almost screamed at my request and Hannah just looked at me as if I was insane.

Yes, I guess asking if he could come with us wasn't the greatest idea ever. But like I said, my pushy tactics made them give in. They agreed as long as he didn't make fun of either of us, if he did Viola would kick his arse to the other side of the universe.

When we got to Hogsmeade, I pulled away Draco from Blaise, they seemed to be in a deep conversation. I didn't want to bother them but at the same time I did. Eventually, I even welcomed Blaise to join us.

Viola fancied Blaise. So when I brought him over she practically stayed shut at Malfoy's presence; Hannah in the other hand found the whole situation rather funny. It was nice to see her laugh.

Just touring the place itself seemed like a relaxing thing to do. During the walk we all talked and made silly jokes about the professors at Hogwarts. Malfoy in the other hand was quiet the whole entire time. He didn't even bother to throw dirty looks. It honestly kind of scared me seeing him like this.

I guess that's when I should've taken a hint at his unusual behavior. After the trip he pulled me over and yelled at me for dragging him with me. As if it was my fault? Why didn't he say anything while we were there? If he was so busy with Blaise I'm sure he wouldn't be a wuss about saying so.

And then he said this.

"Do you think I want to be here with you? I pity you — nothing  more."

Words hurt , but actions did more. And his actions definitely showed me that he didn't mean whatever he said. He seemed tense to say things and his body posture seemed to lean towards another direction; as if he was hesitating to find a way out.

I wasn't one to get offended so easily. Sadly, due to stereotypes, people think Hufflepuffs are weak, soft, and boring since we are associated with traits that many people "have". But not everyone can be loyal and caring, being loyal came with trust and having someone care for you probably didn't mean a lot for many but for one person it could mean the world. Hufflepuffs are way too under appreciated in my opinion. From; a Hufflepuff.

But either way, he said he was done with this. Whatever "this" was. Did I believe him? No. I'm not that gullible, unfortunately he thinks the world revolves around him.

The world doesn't, but the moon does.

I wondered who was his moon. Or even if he did have one.

Love, Ophelia Du Pont

so sorry for the late update. vote and comment !

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