Midari X Reader (playing around)

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You and midari have been cuddling all day You honestly feel very safe with her youve been watching Christmas movies since Christmas is in a couple weeks, midari slowly starts moving her hand on your thigh tickling me making giggle.
"Stop haha what are you doing!" You asked. "Just having a little fun" Midari replied. "Mmm fun?" You asked.

You got up from midaris lap and crawled on top of her pinning her on the bed. "Midari if you wanted fun you could've just said that" you said giggling. You put my hand on her neck applying a little bit of pressure while your knee was in between her legs against her vagina and started to kiss her but this time it was rougher than last night we kissed. She grabbed your waist waist and try to flip you over so she could dominate you.
"No midari it's my turn to please you." You said pinning her down.

You took my pj top and then took my shirt of that she was wearing reviling her beautiful Rosie tits you licked your finger breaking your intimate kiss and rubbed your finger around her nipple. she started to breath a little heavier still keeping eye contact with you. You moved your fingers and started to suck on her boobs leaving hickeys on them. You then opened her legs revealing the wet spot on her panties.
"Aww baby your already wet for me!" You teased.

Midari blushed and looked the other direction, her body is so beautiful and the fact that it's all yours brings you great joy. You slowly too if her panties and opened her legs even wider I kissed around her vagina which made her tense up
"Stay still for me mommy" I whispered to her. I strarted to lick her clit she was so wet and it tasted amazing. I never did this before but she seems to be enjoying because her eyes started to roll to the back of her head?
"You like that mommy? Is your kitten doing a good job?"
"Yes baby please fuck my harder"

I stuck 2 fingers into midaris vagina which caused her to arch her back. "Omg y/n yes just like that please." I started moving my finger in and out of her vagina going faster and faster everytime she moaned
"Aaaah y/n I'm gonna cu-"
"Not yet mommy" I took my fingers out of her leaving her pussy throbbing and then took of my underwear and put her left leg over my shoulder while I sat on her thigh rubbing my clit on hers I grabbed her waist so I could gain more control.
"Fuck midari that feels so good." I start to grind her faster and faster "I think I'm gonna cum midari" "me too y/n let's go together" you and midari both cummed at the same time relishing a sigh of relief. You later down on midaris chest and you guys both fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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