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So like your probs like, OMG! She has stopped writing her book! BUT NO......Here I am writing my book.

Now your probs thinking Here comes the sad part and yeah your right!
So, I've been thinking like this book makes me have writers block like so many times. I will leave you at this final point to figure out your own way. Take your own road, own paths

I leave you this one thing, my number 1 rule: Just Always Be Yourself.

As for me I will be writing simpler books to write. I'm sorry if many of you were enjoying this. Also I leave you with this one story that many of you probably know by now. But who knows?

I was walking past my pool carrying branches, when I slipped on the side of the pool falling in. I was wearing full cloths and joggers. Goodbye joggers. Then I had to climb out anyway.......

Bye! Enjoy your life and have so much fun making your own paths.

Signing out Hannah

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