Chapter 1 Quirk

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"Nightmares" marionette/mari
"CHILD" Nightmare animatronics


It was a normal Friday, what you could consider normal for little midoriya. He was behind the school again with his childhood bully, about to get beaten up again.

"come hier you little shit, today's going to be a fun day for you" said genshin, his childhood bully

"W-what d-did I do this time" questioned midoriya.

"you will see" genshin got closer.

"FUCK YOU ALL YOU DO IS BEAT ME UP WITHOUT A REASON I'M SO DONE WITH THIS BULLSHIT OF YOURS" screamed midoriya. At that moment his eyes changed fully black leaving his pupils a white dot.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I EVER DO TO YOU" midoriya continued, genshin stood there shocked and slowly backed up. As midoriya was yelling at him, a black bear robot appeared next to him.

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A REAL NIGHTMARE I CAN BE" with that said the robot jumped genshin, to which he let out a scream that attracted the other students around the school.
As they arrived all they could see was a frightened student on the floor crying and looking up to midoriya, Midoriya was standing there looking down at him with one eye that stayed black and secrete oil.

"Next time don't fuck with me" with that said midoriya went home.

As midoriya entered his home he got greeted by his mother. It was rather the opposite what he had expected.

"hey mom I'm home"

"hey izu, welcom- OMG WHAT HAPPEND TO You" ms. Midoriya was shocked seeing her son.

"heh.. Yeah I think this is part of my quirk.. I got it a moment ago" midoriya said checky, scratching his neck.

"QUICK WE NEED TO GET YOU TO THE DOCTOR TO FIND Out" with that said they rushed to the next hospital to take a quirk test. As they waited for the results in the doctors office they where asigned to, a stripped robot with a clown face appeared in front of them.

"why hello there little izuku, I'm the marionette" greated Marionette him.

"what are you" the small bean asked her.

"she is part of your quirk young one" stated the doctor as he entered the room. "and by the looked of it she is one out of hundred thirty seven. Your quirk is one of a kind and is called living nightmare. It depends on your emotional state who will appear. The Animatronics that you call by will be under your control and you will gain their powers. Right now because you are your normal self the "original's" come out. Your quirk is based of a videogame so if you want to know more about them I suggest to do some research, with that said congratulations for getting a quirk this late." the doctor turned to the door. "and before I go your right eye will be permanent and with the emotional state you are in it will leak out oil or not. Depends on you, if your happy there won't be any oil, sadness ther will be oil. The same goes if your angry only difference you will leak out oil out of both eyes" with that said the doctor left the room.

"I'll explain your qurik in more detail when where back home" marionette disappeared.

The midoriyas made there way home. As Midoriyas mom opened the door to their apartment she was shocked to see a person in the middle of the hall, standing there and playing with a big sharp knife. She was wearing a white bunny suit.

"oh your back.... Well then I'm Vanessa but you can call me Vanny and if your wondering what I'm doing here I'm part of Izukus quirk" she introduced herself.

"well then good to meet you Vanny" little midoriya greeted her.

"its nice meeting you Vanny, but you are not a animatronic like marionette" ms. Midoriya stated.

"no I'm not, I'm Izukus guardian if he's  outside of School, I'll protect him if he gets in trouble" Vanny stated as she took off her mask, to reveal herself. She had long brown hair and her left eye was white, her right purple. "I'm 21 and just see me like a big sister for izuku" she added on giving ms. Midoriya a genuine smile.

"so izuku I'll explain your qurik again, I assume that the doctor gave you a quick over of the quirk" Vanny stated, little Midoriya nodded. "OK so your quirk is called living nightmare, and you can summon about 142 different animatronics to help you. But keep in mind and I can not stress this more these animatronics CAN Kill so be considered what you do, they act on your orders and emotions. You can summon multiple at once, by command if you get full control over them, the only draw back that you have is that these robots have a cool down. You can spawn them once and then have to wait 30 minutes for them to reappear. Bit once there summoned they will despawn the self on your command, they will stay as long as you like. If you don't wait for the cool down to end, they come out as a weaker form, but still function the same. So you need to make sure what you do. Now to the important part.... All these animatronics have sortan abilitys to them. Like for example if you would spawn in nightmare, yeah try that, try spawning nightmare" vanny stated.

"OK how do I summon him" questioned little midoriya.

"CHILDE THERE IS NO NEED FOR THAT"  a deep robotic voice said behind vanny. As the figure moved more infron it stopped in front of a window. But it stayed behind the bright sunshine that came through.

"AHHHHH WHAT ARE YOU" little midoriya was shocked as he saw the animatronic.

"sup nootmare" giggled vanny.

"VANESSA IF THERE WASN'T THIS LIGHT BEAM I WOULD BE KILLING YOU RIGHT NOW..... I'M NIGHTMARE YOUNG ONE AND I'M WHAT YOU CONSIDERED A REAL NIGHTMARE" stated the black bear robot. It has red and silver eyes, sharp teath along his mouth sticking out as well for his chest, it wore a yellow Hat and bow tie.

"Hello Nightmare, so if you say you are a real nightmare does that mean you can Scare people in there dreams" little midoriya questioned


"cool but it's best to go to bed now it's getting late and I have school tomorrow" with that said little midoriya went to bed.

End of chapter

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