Sky Log #5: Freelancer Job in Vault of Knowledge

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It hasn't been very long since my slumber and joining Val's family.


I found myself broke after the arrival of the travelling spirits.

It seemed that has become a thing during my slumber after the seasons. It also gave opportunities to kids like myself who missed the seasons to get the cosmetics and emotes. I was in a bit of a bind when I found a "for hire" on the news bulletin in the Sky Home.

Apparently, there were some kids who had taken up roles within Sky. Some have chosen to be realm guiders; guiding moths and other kids across the realm. While some have chosen to stay in Vault to make sense of the lore behind this world. Unfortunately, Vault keepers often find themselves short-handed, hence posting up a lot of "for hire" notices on the news bulletin. But not many were willing to work in Vault since the place was known to be boring. From the notice, I gathered that they were looking for people to help restore the lamps back to the shelves.

As you all know, all the realms in Sky had been in a state of abandonment until we came down to help restore the place and free the trapped children in *cough* place. The lamps in Vault had all lost their luster so the Vault keepers desperately needed kids to help restore and transfer the memories.

My friends knew that I was an avid writer (and bookworm), especially from the appearance of this diary so they urged me to sign up.

It didn't take long since there wasn't much of a competition. Once I was in, I was let on to what the job entails.

It seemed that I had to translate the memories from the lamps into words so that the keepers could have two copies, the original and the translated version. Once they checked the contents and confirmed it, they would release the memories to the other kids in Sky so that everyone can benefit from the memories. In a way, Vault was like an abandoned library with countless untranslated or damaged books waiting to shine before they can share their secrets to the readers.

It was quite a challenge since... words have barriers after all.

Yet, it seemed the keepers were quite satisfied with my work because they kept calling me back. It proved to be quite a bother since I had my own adventures and the life of a desk job was simply not for me at all. Eventually, we had to draft out a contract so that both sides could benefit from it.

I was free to go on my travelling and share some of my translated works in here. In return, I have to give them an agreed number of translated memories to them which I will get paid back by candles. It was a bit of a pity that I wasn't given access to enter their secret place... but that is okay, once I saved enough candles and racked up enough trust in me, I will naturally be able to enter there. For now, I will just rely on my friends' help to get there.

Anyway, I became their freelance translator or writer.

If you are to ask me whether I liked the job I had signed myself up for... I would say yes. I am given exclusive excess to untouched memories. Memories detailing the past lives of the previous residents of the Sky World, information on their long-forgotten knowledge and many other things.

To me, I feel like I am unravelling and unearthing past civilizations.

When I look into their memories, for a brief moment, I can feel myself living there. Sometimes, it could be depictions of wars. Or stories of love. Other times, it could just be age-old recipes on how to cook the dark creatures. I tried their recipes... All I can say that stuff that should not be eaten, should really not be eaten since... They can't be salvaged anymore.

However, it is true that desk jobs aren't a fit for me.

My soul desires to travel and feel the vibe from the surroundings. It desires the raw experience with others on a thrilling adventure. Also, the seasons! There have never been a season that was boring in my eyes. There have been a lot of mixed opinions about them but I can never truly say that I hate them. Every season is one more clue to the secrets behind the World of Sky. They just add on the information we have about Sky; why we came to Sky, what happened to its people, the treatment of the creatures against us, etc.

All in all, it is a wonder to be alive to experience all of this. So how can I give up my life of travelling to lock myself behind a desk of parchments and lanterns?

Of course, now that financial problems have been solved...

I planned to finish off my constellations and get all the Elders' hairs.

PS: I have added a short part of a translated memory I have gotten from a lantern. It was on the previous entry. I quite like this story and it reminded me of Val and David. What a coincidence that their names are the same too!

~~~~~Author's Words~~~~~ 27 Dec 2020

This is purely fictional! I wanted to add on more to the version of Sky in LT's Diary so that I can include in some of the fanfictions of Sky I see around in the community. This is also another outlet for me to create more side stories for LT's Diary. Please look forward to seeing more mini stories in the future!

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