Sky Log #15: OOB-ers, Hackers and Cheaters

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In today's entry, I will explain these 3 different types of players.

It is important not to misidentify and ruin the reputation of other players because most players you encounter are possible OOB-ers. Most players have at least gone to one OOB place before or accidentally went on an OOB trip without knowing. I will try my best to explain these players, especially OOB-ers.

What is OOB?

It just means Out-Of Bounds.

In other words, places that Sky kids shouldn't be in but can be entered via some glitches. Well, most places require a bit of glitch to get through but... there are some that doesn't need that. I will tell you (to the best of my abilities, apologies if you can't understand) some of the common OOB places that really doesn't need much tricks to get into. Otherwise, you can always go through other platforms and watch OOB videos of players getting to other areas.

Since I'm on the topic of OOB, let's first talk about OOB-ers.

Just for clarity's sake, OOB-ers are NOT hackers.

We don't mess with the codes or programming of the game. We merely enter through the 'holes' or within the game but this act doesn't damage the game. Skeptical as you may be, but the world of Sky is not as fragile as you think it is if several players entering through the 'holes' will crash the game. OOB allows many veteran players to find a different side of Sky as well as finding little interesting objects that can be found within Sky. I like to think of OOB-ers as tourists or adventurers since we go to these places for photos. Or they could be musicians who needed a place where no kids can enter to practice their music quietly.

An extremely simple OOB place would be the hidden rainbow bridge in Isle of Dawn. The hidden rainbow bridge itself is a glitch within Sky and only reveals itself when you do something.

It is located among the clouds near the Isle temple. When facing the Isle temple, you fly to the right and fly in circles. Always fly as close as possible to the clouds so that you can recharge. You have to fly up as high as you can and always look around you because it is possible for you to miss it if you fly too high or too low. There will come a moment when you fly at the right height when the rainbow bridge magically appears by itself.

Another OOB place can be found in Hidden Forest. It is located in the tunnel where the spirit named Pouty Porter is.

For this OOB to happen, you must have the chibi mask. Only the chibi mask is small enough for you to naturally accomplish this OOB. Once you wore it, you just have to find an unnatural hole within the tunnel that shouldn't be hard to miss because it is right next to a dark plant. Then you just stand above the hole and move around, you should be able to slide into the hole. The place where you will enter have collected rainwater that won't hurt you. Kids who enter there normally practice playing their musical instruments or treat it as their private hideout. It's not a commonly visited area but it is a famous area where players can accidentally enter.

These two OOB places are the most common ones that can be easily accomplished. Of course, there are many more OOB places. Many of them have been shared by other players through videos and word of mouth.

Of course, if you were to attempt one, I would recommend that you have to be well-acquainted with the tricks of OOB-ers. Some OOB-ers require at least 2 kids to get into, so make sure you have a close friend whom you have unlock most of the friendship tree. Mainly, the piggyback and warp has to be unlocked.

Next, would be the items. You will need your chibi mask (or the chibi spell) and tables/tea set/bonfire/swing. The table and chibi mask should be easy to get since it requires hearts but the other items can only be obtained at special events such as past seasons or events such as Days of Bloom. However, the spells sold at the Ark in Forgotten Ark, Golden Wasteland should be sufficient (although I never use these items before since I rely on my trusty table).

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