Sky Log #33: The One that Lurks in the Deep

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My premonition turned true about the creature within the depths of the waters. To search for the Cackling Cannoneer for the last mission, I had to dive deeper than I ever thought I could, right down into the Abyss.

However, before I delved into the juicy bits of my adventure, let me first put a name to this monstrous creature. The children dubbed the beast in the forums as "King Krill". I was hoping to find a more fitting name for it, like "Evil Whale" or something, but that was the only name in my searches. Even before the underwater building was opened, many OOB-ers hinted at the existence of such a creature. No one knows where it came from or how it had come into existence, but we all know that it was locked behind those humongous doors until we accidentally set it free.

Remember the large elevator mechanism in the observation deck?

Well, the second last mission was to collect the trinket attached to it because it was one of the many that I had to find. The moment I took it off, the doors to the upper levels were opened, and I heard a huge rumbling creak that groaned for a long while. The King Krill with the smaller krill immediately exited out of those humongous doors. I knew I had accidentally unleashed something that should not have been free. Fortunately, I have also opened other pathways because I pulled the trinket out. Unfortunately, as I explored the upper levels, they were infested with krills, wondering if this place was closed to keep them at bay.

Anyway, I was meant to find the Cackling Cannoneer. They went missing when everyone was gathered at the ship. So, I went to see the location that they were last heard of. I found their boat anchored near the remaining tower, but they were nowhere to be found. Hence, I followed the anchor's line, hoping that I would see them lost in the waters, perhaps too caught up in finding trinkets.

As I dived past the underwater colosseum, the line went deeper into a hole I had never noticed before. It got harder to find aquatic light plants to replenish my oxygen, so I had to conserve as much as I could. I prayed that I could last long enough to see the Cannoneer when there were no light fish or light plants. The waters were so deep that sunlight could not get to where I am and I had to squint at such a deep depth. It did not help at all when my light core was faulty too.

Just when I felt that I should not follow the anchor line any further down, I finally spotted the Cackling Cannoneer.

Putting a couple extra boosts to my strokes, I hurriedly swam to their side and checked their condition. Fortunately, they were knocked unconscious, and there were no serious injuries. How they have lasted so long underwater has far eluded my senses, but all I knew was that I had to quickly get them back to land. By securing myself with the Cackling Cannonner so that they won't slip out while I was swimming, I began the climb up to the shore.

I was relieved to find them unscathed but unconscious, but my seasoned gut told me that lingering too long in the deeps would spell trouble. Unfortunately, with an unconscious spirit that I had to drag along, it was difficult for me to swim fast enough.

But it was too late, for I felt the churning of waters nipping at my heels and a profound echo. A glance backward chilled my bones to the core.

I was face to face with King Krill. My two golden eyes against its numerous red eyes honed on the Cackling Cannoneer and me. Without a second to lose, I gritted my teeth while gripping Cannoneer's clothes and swam forward.

I knew it was useless to run away.

However, it's more fruitless to face it.

What can I do?

I am but a mere Child of Light compared to such an enormous creature of such unimaginable size. We don't believe in wielding violence against the dark creatures. They are too strong for us, but they don't seem to have the power to completely annihilate us.

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