Shelter You||Saltzman Twins

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⚠️ Warning : Mentions of bulimia and self harm.

You wondered out of the bathroom to find your sister's still in bed.

"Get your lazy ass's out of bed we have classes in 30 minutes" you holler but your sisters groan and refuse to move.

You reach for a pillow off of your bed and launch it at your sister's head.

Lizzie shoots up and grabs the pillow but Josie refuses to move.

"I'm up babygirl" Lizzie sighs getting out of bed.

Josie still refuses to move as Lizzie goes to get changed.

You flop on to the bed next of Josie with a smirk.

She pulls the covers up over her head.

You use your vamp speed to yank the covers away from her.

You turned into a vampire as a solution for the merge.

She sighs but sits up and gets out of bed.

"Morning" she said making you smile.

"Goodmorning Jo" you laugh and she quickly changes, goes to head out the door.

"Where are you going ?" Lizzie asked walking out the bathroom.

"To see Penny" Josie says dreamily as you and your sister groan.

"Go on Jo, go have fun" Lizzie said as you laugh.

Josie rushed out the room as Lizzie slapped the back of your head.

"Ouch" you complain.

"You dirty minded bitch" she says as you register what she meant and laugh once more.

"I'm gonna go grab a hoodie or something I'm freezing" you tell your sister walking over to your wardrobe.

Lizzie turns to you and says "Y/NN I need to tell you something".

"What is it ?" You say rummaging around and finding a mint green hoodie.

You slip it over your head but freeze when you hear "I have an eating disorder".

"Liz why didn't you tell me" you ask wrapping your arms around her waist from behind.

"I thought you'd be mad or annoyed at me" Lizzie mumbles turning around and leaning her head on your shoulder.

"Why would I be mad at you for something like that ?" You asked her.

"I thought you'd think of me as an outcast. You and Josie are perfect. You are the captain of the soccer team and you're an A+ student. Josie has a beautiful girls and is an amazing student. What am I ?" Lizzie says.

You stroke her hair and say "Your our sister Liz and nobody is perfect" which made her laugh.

She groans as the bell goes signalling for you get to class.

"I'll see you tonight Liz" you say rushing off to class.

The girls dorm : 6:30 pm

"Liz" you call out returning to your room.

"In the bathroom" Lizzie mumbles before you hear a gagging noise.

You rush into the bathroom to find your sister covered in fresh cuts with a blade on the floor and her finger down her throat as she tries to force herself to be sick.

It was horrific that your sister was going through something like this alone.

"Elizabeth" you asked as Liz avoided your eyes from shame.

You throw the razor blade in the trash can and sit on the floor besides Lizzie.

"Does Jo know about this ?" You ask as Lizzie shakes her head rapidly.

"I couldn't tell her, we had a fight" Liz mumbles.

"It's okay babygirl let it all out" you say holding Lizzie close to you.

She starts to sob uncontrollably and grips at your shirt.

You kiss her head whilst whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

The door swings opened and Jo walks in.

"Get out Josette" you snap at your other sister.

"Oh my god Lizzie" Josie asked sitting beside you.

"I said go" you yell at her, Josie struggles to bite back her tears.

"What happened ?" She mutters.

"Our sister has an eating disorder and has been cutting for months she only told me this morning. But she couldn't tell you because of your arguement" you respond softening your tone towards the brunette.

Josie falls against your side and sobs loudly.

You hold back your tears and comfort both of your siblings.

"We can get through this together" you reasure them.

"How Y/NN ?" Liz and Jo ask insync with one another.

"I'm your sister I'll shelter you from whatever happens I swear" you tell them.

No one POV :

Y/n helped the girls through everything from bullies to fights. The eating disorder brought the siblings somewhat closer. Now they were all happy. Y/N with Jade, Lizzie with Hope and Josie with Penelope. Who would have thought such a painful experience would have a good outcome for all. It was more than a year later but the girls appreciated each other more than they ever had.

A/N : The next two imagines will be fully about Lizzie 🥰.

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