Clarity||Lizzie Saltzman

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"Lizzie we aren't having this argument again" you say to your girlfriend keeping your cool.

"I'm not good enough for you Y/N" she sighed.

You couldn't believe she still thought this after months of you telling her you love her.

"You are good enough Lizzie" you say a stern tone to your voice.

"No I'm not" Lizzie calmly responds.

You were losing your calm and you wouldn't stay relaxed for long.

"Look Lizzie do you believe in love" you start as she cuts you off.

"It's my most elaborate form of self harm" she snapped.

"Lizzie you opened your heart to me although you felt broken that makes you the bravest person I'll ever meet" you say lovingly.

"It hurts but I'm used to it, we can't be together" Lizzie shouts.

"I need you Lizzie please" you beg placing a hand on her shoulder.

She jerks away from you and yells "Game over we're done Y/N I can't be with anyone until I'm happy with me".

"That's okay Lizzie I'll be here when your ready" you say teary eyed as you walked away.

Lizzie curled until a ball and let out all of her emotions.

When Josie came in that night their room was destroyed and Lizzie was passed out on the bed.

3 months later ...

Lizzie had started taking anti depressants and went to Emma twice a week.

You had seen the changes in Lizzie, how miserable she was but she refused to let you in again.

The only person she would talk to is Josie.

Josie told you everything in secret until two months ago Lizzie found out.

Ever since she started shutting Josie out too.

She'd sit in her room all day and only come out for classes and meals.

You and Josie got together after Lizzie started shutting you both out.

You and Josie needed someone to talk to, a shoulder to lean on when you needed it.

Josie had kissed you last week but instead of pushing her away you deepened it.

It reminded you of your favourite quote It hurts like hell until one day it doesn't.

Josie Saltzman was the one making you happy now.

25 April 2030

Josie was sat on your lap her head nuzzled into your shoulder.

"Josie" you heard the shocked voice of your ex girlfriend.

"Yeah" she asked curiously looking up.

She was just as shocked as you when she saw Lizzie.

"Lizzie let me explain" Josie tried to say.

"That you got with my girlfriend" Lizzie yelled at her sister.

Thank god you were in the twins room and not anywhere public.

You mumble a spell to lock the door and put a sound barrier up.

"I'm not your girlfriend Elizabeth you broke up with me remember" you snap at her.

Lizzie flinched at the use of her full name.

"I didn't think you'd move on you said you loved me that night" She shouts.

"That was then, it was three months ago things have changed" you reply coldly.

She tries to find an arguement but just breaks down infront of both of you.

Neither of you knowing what to do, you both start tell her sweet nothings until she's calmed down.

"If I can't leave you easily then you weren't meant for me I need to let you go" Lizzie said shocking you and Josie into silence.

"Lizzie I loved you but that was then I fell in love with Josie. You kept pushing us away until we fell into each other" you explain as Lizzie nods.

"Goodbye Y/N Y/L/N" Lizzie said as you smile sadly.

"Where are you going ?" Josie asked brokenly.

"To New Orleans Hope can take me for a release" Lizzie says as you both nod.

"Bye Liz" you smile softly as she leaves and shuts the door behind her.

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