The choosing of the champions.

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Kayla POV

Once Minnie pulled out the goblet, all of us whipped around to face Niamh who was having one of her really bad flashbacks that cause her to go psycho in her sleep.

Hermes and Apollo had explained to us that, where she was being kept in Heracles' palace, the only light was blue flames so that could be a trigger for her. There was a list of triggers kept in each of the cabins that had things we weren't allowed to say on them. And a list of objects that was recommended to not use at all if possible.

The list consisted of words and phrases like bloody hell, mad traitor, Tartarus and dumb slut as well as objects like blue fire, Greek fire, large jars and balls of golden string.

Once we were told we could leave I grabbed Niamh's hand and started leading her out of the room while Sadie rubbed her arms comfortingly and whispered stuff to help her keep calm.

We put her in her room after removing all of her weapons, we put them in the safe and locked the bedroom door. 

"I'll stay up to make sure that she doesn't break anything in her sleep." Reyna volunteered rubbing her eyes.

We all headed to bed and then fell into an uneasy sleep, worried about everything that was to come. For a valid reason as well

Time skip to morning

Neville POV.

I walked into the Great Hall to see that the students from Hecate's other than Frank were already there and drinking coffee by the gallon. 

"Hi guys." I said sitting down next to them. 

"Hi." A few of them replied. 

"Can I ask why you're drinking coffee by the gallon?" I said pouring myself some orange juice.

"My fault." Niamh muttered into the cereal she was eating which I found ironic because she really hates her grandmother, AKA my mother. "I had a psycho night and tried to kill nonexistent people in my sleep. I managed to wake up everyone. Kayla, can you pass the gay cheerios down please?"

"Gay cheerio- you mean fruit loops?" She checked.

"Yeah, gay cheerios." Niamh confirmed and everyone snorted into their food or drink.

Professor Tonks walked past before doubling back. "Mr Longbottom, it appears that you are at the wrong table." She said loudly causing Niamh, Lou Ellen, Connor and a girl who I didn't recognise to wince and cover their ears. "Are you guys hungover or something?" She asked them, obviously noticing the winces.

"Niamh woke everyone up last night because she had a flashback and went psycho while she was sleeping and probably has a splitting headache, Sadie is probably sleep deprived and I don't know about the other two, nor do I particularly want to know." Travis said causing Connor to flush a deep red and bury his face in his hands.

"If you really want to know-" Lou started.

"There are little ears here!" Nico exclaimed covering Hazel's ears, Percy nodded in agreement before covering Nico's own ears and then a girl with green hair covered a boy with blonde hair's ears as well.

"I like how everyone has unanimously agreed that Kayla and I aren't innocent enough to have our ears covered." Niamh said laughing. "I'm off to go train anyone want to come?" She stood up and hugged Tonks. "It's good to see you again, Dora."

She skipped out the door of the Great Hall, her dove grey hair flying behind her. 

"I'm going too. Bye Dora!" Kayla yelled running out.

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