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Clarisse POV.

How did this happen again? Oh yeah, Niamh and Chris teamed up to trick me into getting my face painted. By Niamh. This had disaster all over it.

"And.... done." Niamh announced before putting her brush down. "It's better than I thought it would be."

She handed me a mirror and showed me what she had done and I was surprised at how good it was.

"Do you like it?" She asked nervously.

"This...... this is really good, Niamh." I admitted moving my head to see all of it. "How are you so good at this?" 

On my left temple there was a chariot with a spear on it and what looked like a few drops of blood. The bit that really surprised me was a gunshot wound on my cheek. It looked extremely realistic. It was the perfect combination of me and my father.

"Can you convince the others to let me do it to them? They won't let me do their's for some reason." She asked.

"Sure. Why not?" I said walking out into the common room and Hazel screamed upon seeing the fake wound.

"What happened?" She all but screamed.

Everyone came running including Niamh. "The gunshot wound?" I asked.

"Yes!" Everyone than Niamh said at once.

"It's face paint." I said simply. "Niamh did it. It's almost hyper-realistic, isn't it?" The attention transferred to Niamh.

"Can you do mine?" Hazel broke the astonished silence.

"Sure, I've got a few ideas in mind." They left and fifteen minutes later Hazel came out with a gem studded horseshoe on one cheek and a galloping horse on her temple.

The other girls looked at each other before making a mad dash for Niamh's room. Reyna won but they made a queue. Thalia at the front, then Princess, then Sadie, Canadian Katniss, Flower Girl, Wicked Witch of the West and then Beauty Queen, Alex, RED and finally Calypso. (Thalia, Annabeth, Sadie, Kayla, Katie, Lou Ellen, Piper, Alex, Rachel and Calypso)

Niamh didn't take long to get through all of them but they were high quality, extremely delicately painted and everyone had two or more.

Kayla got a flaming arrow shooting across her forehead and two mockingjays on her cheeks, Alex got a bunch of pink and green animals on her face, Sadie had a lion and a rabbit with a pocket watch on both of her cheeks, Princess got a couple of detailed owls and a book that had a highly embellished capital letter, Lou got a wand with a bunch of sparks trailing from it that spelled out 'WITCH' in Greek and a unicorn in a forest, Rachel got the Oracle giving a prophecy and a bunch of art supplies, Katie had a tangled mess of vines growing up either side of her face that met in the middle and twisted to form a heart in the centre of her forehead and Calypso got a few plants like moonlace and others that were native to her island.

Those were the less impressive ones as well.

Reyna got Bellona's symbol on her cheek and her dogs on her temple, Thalia got a wolf howling in front of a full moon on her cheek and lightning bolts on her temple and Piper got what looked like memories of her and Jason. Niamh must have used her mind reading power thingy to do her's.

"These are gorgeous Niamh!" Calypso had exclaimed she walked through the doorway and saw all of them together.

"I'm not doing the boys," Niamh said. "Percy will want the little mermaid or something and I'm out of paint."

When the boys saw how good Niamh was they begged her to do their's but she refused and locked herself in her room. 

About an hour and a half later she emerged with her face done up like a skeleton from el Diá de los Muertos and various monsters on her arms. I saw a cartoon Minotaur with big eyes, clearly painted to look cute and not from memory, three furies, a hellhound, an extremely realistic Medusa and a cyclops on her biceps.

"Do you like it?" She asked Hazel.

"These... are amazing, Niamh!" Hazel exclaimed. 

"How do you do them? Can you teach me?" Rachel begged her.

"I'll teach you if you can give me a square canvas." Niamh bartered.

"Sure." They walked off and a few minutes later Niamh came out of Rachel's room holding a rather large, square canvas.

"Come on in, Rachel, all my stuff is in here." 

Time skip to dinner.

Niamh had clearly done a good job of teaching Rachel because Rachel's arms were covered in all sorts of animals- Pegasi, hellhounds, dracenae, and wolves danced around her arms. I mean that literally. They were moving. So were Niamh's.

"Movere graphice conscriptio (Moving drawing drawing)." Niamh muttered pointing the wand at Hazel's horse causing it to gallop all over her face and down her arms. She repeated that with all of us and soon Thalia's wolf was howling, Reyna's dogs were 'sat' on the top of either arm- keeping watch according to Niamh- Katie and Calypso's plants were growing and the sparks coming from Lou's wand were changing formation to spell different things.

My 'bullet wound' was healing itself then reverting back to the wound form and the 'blood' was dripping down my temple.

An alarm of some sort went off and one of Niamh's many Spotify playlists started blaring through the speakers. After a few seconds I realised that the song was 'Start a war' by someone who's name I couldn't remember (AKA the author being too lazy to look it up). 

Within seconds Niamh, Kayla, Thalia, Rachel, Sadie, Alex and Lou were stood on the table singing the words at the top of their lungs. It was kind of funny, actually, when Thalia dragged her girlfriend onto the table as well and wouldn't let go of her until she joined in singing.

Soon the guys showed up and Chris dragged me out of the seat and made me dance with him. 

All of us were having a great time jumping around and singing and dancing to Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Panic! At The Disco, Taylor Swift, Daughtry, AC/DC and the Hunger Games soundtrack, when Severus and Minnie interrupted our spur of the moment party just to inform us of 'The Weighing Of The Wands' ceremony that Niamh had to attend in three days time.

There was a loophole though, Niamh was only allowed one weapon but it didn't have to be a wand so she chose a double ended lipstick that turns into gun or a sword depending on which end she uncaps, kind of like a cross between Jason's gladius and Prissy's sword.

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