Chapter 2: Meeting The Class

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It's been a few days since the entrance exam, and I've been spending most of my time waiting for any kind of letter from U.A. And I was nervous. But not for what anyone else would think.

If I was accepted into U.A, it'd be a dream come true. Then why be nervous? It's a simple matter really: parents. I wasn't sure what they'd think. My mom wants me to be a hero, as she sees the potential of your quirk. My dad on the other hand wants me to inherit his company one day, and has tried unsuccessfully to groom me for that station.

Shaking my head, I went to make yourself lunch. Katsudon is my favorite thing, and it's one of the easier meals I know how to make. Cooking for myself was a given when my parents were almost never home, and I've gotten quite good, but I've never been one to brag.

In the middle of eating, I watched the clock strike noon. Figuring now would be the best time to check and see if the letter had come, I slipped on my shoes and walked outside, taking in the fresh air. I looked down and saw a white package leaning against the wall, the symbol of U.A. blazing gold on the front.

All I could do was stare at it, unsure what to think. After a moment, I smiled nervously and picked it up, practically racing back inside. I ran over to the dining table, almost knocking off the bowl of katsudon, and ripped open the letter.

A small metal disk fell out, and I watched as a hologram of a video started to play. On it was a lanky man, with a scraggly beard and long black unkempt hair. He had a black shirt and a steel colored scarf slung about his neck, and when he talked, his voice was gruff, like he had woken up a few minutes ago.

"Greetings Y/n, I'm Aizawa, one of the teachers here at U.A. Skipping over the interactions, let's get straight to the point. Your results of the entrance exam were exemplary, as you scored a total of 44 villain points." I didn't think I had scored that many, but watched as a quick clip showed me flinging shards of metal at other robots, shredding them to bits. "But that wasn't the only way to score points, as you and a few others had shown." Another clip showed me prying the rubble off the girl, and another clip helping the green haired boy, before returning to Aizawa. "You scored a total of 43 rescue points, giving you a total of 87 points, and ranking first place out of all the examinees. Congratulations, as U.A. is now your hero academia."

The video then ended, and I was left speechless. I had actually made it in, and not only that, but placed first! Then I saw a piece of paper still inside the package, and began to read it. It had a list of stuff I'd need for the hero course, as well as requested measurements for the UA uniform. School started a week from today, and unlike other kids in the last day of summer break, I couldn't wait.


A week later, and I was hopping off the train that would take me nearest to U.A. I had texted my mom about it, and so far, I haven't gotten an answer back. It wasn't strange, as they both would take a couple days or weeks to respond. As I walked and thought, I finally stood before the giant building. I was nervous, but not as nervous as some others seemed to be.

Looking around, I took a quick look at a couple other first years shambling about, trying to not look as nervous as they seemed. Seeing them like that upset me slightly, before I realized I could help a tiny bit.

Before I leave my house, I always down a vial of metals in case the need for them arose, and one of the metals I could use now. Burning brass calms emotions, but I didn't want to be to forceful with it, as others would catch on that something was wrong. I didn't really like messing with peoples emotions, but they needed a confidence boost, so I laid a subtle touch on their emotions. Watching, people become less nervous, their shoulders not rigid and their feet no longer shaking, and looking towards the building with the confidence that was in there mind, just no longer overshadowed by the worry and doubt.

Burning Metals (OC x My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now