Chapter 3: Battle

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Yes. Yes it could be that bad.

The day was fine for a while, and it all felt like regular school. If being taught English by Present Mic could be considered normal that is.

It went all fine until one class in the middle of the day, which was rumored to be taught by All Might, but there wasn't any hero in the class.

So there I was, silently watching the rest of the class interact with each other. Kaminari and Mineta were talking the quietest, and their topic wasn't one to be applauded. Uraraka and Iida were talking about who the teacher would be, while Ashido and a floating high school uniform listened nearby. I still don't have everyone's names down, so I was really confused on who that was.

The interaction that confused me the most was with Midoriya and Bakugo. The former was trying to talk to the explosive teen, but was met with growls of annoyance. I was trying to think of a way to jump in on the conversation, but my train of thought was halted when a voice boomed down the hallway.

"I am here... coming through the door like a hero!"

And there he was. All Might in the flesh, ready to teach a bunch of students on how to be a hero. This was going to be quite the class.

Everyone in the classroom started to murmur about how cool being taught by All Might was, and how he was dressed up in his silver age costume. It was a little loud, that is until All Might held up a hand for silence.

"Now, before we begin today's lesson, let me explain something. This course will basically be hero training 101, where you will learn all the aspects of being a hero. That includes... battle training!"

As soon as he said 'battle,' half the class got worried, a quarter got excited, and one grinned maliciously. A thousand yen to whoever guesses who that is.

"However, another part of being a hero is looking like one! So, if you'd look to your right and find your designated number, grab your costume and head down to change!"

And like a blur that I was quickly caught up in, my classmates had grabbed their case and ran down the halls, all the while Iida yelling for them to not run and just briskly walk.

Pretty soon, everyone was changing in their respective locker room. I wasn't sure about the girls' experience in theirs, but the boys locker room was loud.

Iida was yelling for everyone to quiet down, a red head was going around calling everyone's costume manly, and Bakugo was just growling at anyone that came close.

All in all, it was a normal school boys locker room.

Taking a look at everyone else's costume, I noticed that they matched with everyone's personality. Iida had on a suit of armor, Bakugo had a pair of giant grenade gauntlets to match his black and orange suit, and Midoriya was pulling out a green tracksuit with black accents.

Mine wasn't anything special, if anything it was rather plain looking compared to everyone else's. A pair of black pants, sized to not be terribly tight and made out of a loose kevlar-nylon fabric. A cotton grey shirt with a black leather vest, again sized to not be tight and still allow movement. The vest has a few slots in the inside to fit vials of metal, keeping them protected and concealed. A pair of boots made of the same leather as my vest, and a pair of fingerless gloves fit snugly on my hands. And topping it all off, a half cloak hanging down just to the edge of my thighs. It had a wispy appearance, as the fabric was just cloth, but made up of ribbon like strips.

But I had to have metal on me to effectively use my quirk, so attached to a belt on my hip was a pouch of American coins. Pennies, quarters, dimes and nickels. I found they were the easiest thing to use against a potential target, the rounded edges not likely to cause much harm. Another utility that rested underneath my cloak was a few short metal rods bent into a U shape with pointed ends. Capture devices or a portable anchor, depending on the situation.

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