/41/ forget...

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¨ hi, I'm Taehyung, a good friends of jungkook ¨

those words he spoke made not only my eyes grow big but also the last bit of hope I had it was like the air left my lungs, Jungkook... he didn't forget me...

tears welled up in my eyes at the thought of him plus the situation, there were all kinds of emotions running through me, it just became a bit too much I guess

I saw his eyes focus on mine as he softly smiled at me

¨ J-Jungkook... he...Didn't forget me? ¨ I said almost pitying myself at how broken I sounded, so desperate for a glimpse of him, so desperate to see, hear and feel him again

I saw the vampires eyes soften as he took a few steps forward, closing the distance between us, he lowered himself to my level before a deep airy chuckle left his throat

¨ of course not, he was so broken and mad when you were abducted, I have never seen him that way, he could never forget you, he cares and loves you so much it would be impossible for you to be erased from his heart ¨

he said comforting me but soon his gaze shifted to my wrist again and this time his reaction wasn't as trustworthy as his words

his eyes started to glow a bit red as his eyes focussed on my bleeding wrist, I knew that my blood is like a drug so I chose to take a few steps back and keep my wrist behind me, with a sad smile I kept my head low

¨ sorry... ¨

Taehyung said as he got a hold of himself again, I smiled at him, is this how my life is going to be?

¨anyway, let's talk ¨

he said as I stayed silent, I saw him gesturing me to sit down on the couch, he sat on a chair a few meters ahead as I seated myself on the couch

¨ I didn't come without a reason, I came here to tell you that Jungkook is very busy with a plan to get you out of here ¨

he explained as I carefully listened, I was at lost of words...

all this time I thought I would be a blood slave

that nobody would come and save me

that Jungkook only used me for my blood

ow how wrong I was

¨ but what is the plan? ¨ I asked carefully as I still looked down, a bit intimidated by the vampire in front of me, he kept his gaze on me while he seemed to think deeply about his answer

¨ I can't tell you much, but I can tell you that I need to become a regular customer here to get Jimins trust, and as well for you to have someone to talk to ¨ he said as I smiled at him now not looking down

his words gave me hope

it felt good to also talk to someone whose intentions are not hurting me or selling me

¨ Thank you, taehyung ¨ I said almost in a whisper but he could still hear it he was about to say something back but that was until the door opened

revealing a man I did not want to see right now, or ever...


¨ well Mr Kim your time is up, I hope you had fun with the little angle ¨ he spoke as a wave of disgust hit me

Cold-hearted | Jungkook | ✓Where stories live. Discover now