Best Friends in Da Housee!

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Uggghhh i hate being sick you just feel all sick... Crappy chapter like real sorry only a filler drama in the next chapter. Okay I don't know if anyone is actually reading my book's the 3rd chapter anyway


Chapter 3

Ally's POV

I hate packing its just so boring! Maybe I should try and get Louis to do it for me...

'LOUIS" I yelled down the stairs.

"What is is Ally?" He replied no really caring for what I want but he started making his way up the stairs anyway.

"Could you please help me unpack?" I asked giving him the puppy dog eyes that no one can say no to.

"Uh-but-I don't-Fine!" He gave in unwillingly.

"I'm just going to the bathroom...I'll be back in a minute. You can just keep unpacking" I lied very well actually. I went downstairs and sat on the couch with the rest of the boys and played games on my iPhone.

From: Elliot the Irish Potato!

Hey babes wanna do something today? Xoxoxo

Elliot was my best friend from primary. Also she was gorgeous with her dark purple hair that she dyed to her bright blue eyes. She was obsessed with Ireland and had a it of a crush on Niall...

To: Elliot the Irish Potato!

Sure El like what? Maybe you could come round to Louis's though so I'm not stuck with a bunch of teenage boys...xoxox

From: Elliot the Irish Potato!

Okay what time should I be round at because I need time to get ready to impress my little Irish leprechaun! Xoxoxo

Oh god her and her Niall...

To: Elliot the Irish Potato!

K 1 it is and don't make an idiot of yourself...

Okay I have 2 hours until Elliot gets here so I take a shower dry my hair into its natural curls that are dyed red. Apply foundation, silver eyeshadow,mascara and some light eyeliner.

I put on a floral sundress and a pair of red toms. I accessorised with some bracelets and put my bangs into a quiff.

That took an hour and a half so I sat and listened to music while reading vogue till she got there.

"Um Ally?" A voice at my bedroom door said.

It was Harry.

"Yea Haz? I can call you Haz right?"

He smiled "of course Ally, so I've been thinking. Maybe we could go out to dinner sometime...?"

OH MY GOD DID HARRY STYLES JUST ASK ME ON A DATE. Oops didn't mean to fan girl...but what should I say? Ill say yes but what if I don't like him like that? Ill say no wait yes!

"I'd love to" oh crap why have I done he's Louis's best friend!

"Cool i'll see you around" he smirked at me as he left.

"Knock knock!" Oh there's Elliot at the door!

"Hey Elly Belly!!" I yelled using her nickname.

"Ally Bally bee!!! I've missed you! I've not seen you in like 2 days!"

"I know I've missed you so much!!"

"Girls..." Someone muttered behind us. I think it was Zayn...

"Okay who wants to watch a movie?" I asked everyone.

"TOY STORY!!" Liam yelled.

"Okay Liam" weird child...



please please please vote/comment/fan!!!!!

I need feedback to know if I should continue with this story!

Kk bye :D

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