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Note to self: When struck by lightning, make sure to pack extra shirt. Unfortunately, I didn't plan that far in advance. When I walked in the door, hours after I had been expected, maybe at 8:00, in an oversized mens white T-shirt, backwards for that matter, I was met full-on with the devil. My mom was waiting for me at the door, and her deep chocolate brown eyes scanned me for anything suspicious. When she spied my shirt, her eyes narrowed an then widened to the size of saucers as she pulled me in the front door.
"Young lady, are you going to explain why you are wearing that?" I pushed past her and toward the basement, where the opening in the ceiling to my room was.

"No." I locked the basement door and climbed up the ladder to my room, and quietly padded over to the skylight before crawling out onto the roof. The moon reflected against the shiny grass lawn of the people across the street, nothing like our yard, with the wild tufts of grass all across our unkept lawn. It reminded me of the book my mom always used to read to me when I was a kid. "The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow gave the luster of mid-day to objects below." I recite to myself. And the night was all too quiet.

I think that by the time I got home, I was still in shock from the craziness that had just taken place at our school. I decided to contact my guildmates. I needed a sense of security in that exact moment, and I knew the layout of Ogrimar like the back of my hand. I threw on my headset opened the guild chat room. As I suspected. Tylerodon was online, and just as soon as my fingers were at the keys, they were flying over the keyboard with grace. However, today they felt a bit different. Heavier in a way.

EvilPanda001: Hey dude.

Tyler0don: How was detention

EvilPanda001: Cul I guess

Tyler0don: K

EvilPanda001: Hey wanna raid that new palace in draenor

Tyler0don: Sry cant. Unlike you, I have a lyf.

EvilPanda: Lemme guess, ur supposed 2 b babysitting the cuzins again?

Tyler0don: ya. Locked them in my bros room. I think they escaped. :P g2g

EvilPanda: Lol. Bye

I groaned and threw off my headset before laying down on my bed. I should be dead. We should be dead. As I examined my slightly burned shirt, I thought of something. Every online article I had read about lightning strike victims had one thing in common, marks. I hadn't thought to look for them, but now that my head was cleared sufficiently, I hopped up off of my bed and quickly padded to the mirror. First I examined my face. My eyes quickly passed over my large light green eyes, and without a second thought and traveled down my neck to my arms. It was only then that I discovered an abnormality. A lighter streaking on my arm, almost resembling a lightning bolt. I had found what I was looking for.  It ran down my arm and split into five separate lines at my wrist. Although they were messy and slightly faded, they seemed almost intentional. They stopped at my finger nails, but only briefly, and reappeared at the tips of my fingers. I silently thanked every divinity I knew of. Thanking it for the proof that this had happened. That I hadn't imagined it. Thanking it that I wasn't crazy.

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