Chapter 10 - Performance

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With the last chapter, I officially began the sports festival. Like I said before, I'll be trying to make this as meaningful as possible and I hope you stay tuned for after this because thats when things really 'kick off'.

"": All Might

"': Speaking

"": Thoughts

Location: Musutafu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan: UA.


8 minutes prior

With the Festival underway and the citizens gathering at the arena likes moths to a flame, Nezu had suggested that doubling the pros as security while they scouted for interns was a must - For Nezu, marketing and profiting from little things like this was scarily simple.

He sat in the heroes' bleachers and watched as each course came out in alphabetical order. He saddened on Izuku not having shown up, the guilt of his actions had caught up to him and grasped him tighter than you could achieve with a strength quirk.

Inko: "Something wrong?"

Toshinori: "Its just, Izuku. What do I say to him? How do I approach him without him wanting to judge me? How do I engage with him when he wants nothing to do with me?"

Although it was a joyous occasion, he still lamented when it came to things like this. His only focus in life was to become a hero until he met his first wife, then Inko after the divorce. Parenting was never a strong point for him and learning from someone else was even more so.

Inko: "I think I have the answer to your question."

He nodded while not maintaining eye contact while she did the same.

Inko: "I think your a bad parent. I'm not going to lie to you, there were times were you did show the qualities of one, but those were only either brief and towards Izuna. I still beg the question, why did you push him away?"

Toshinori: "To be completely honest, I still don't know till this day. Maybe the qualities he possessed didn't shine enough to me at the time. Maybe its because I've had a quirk for so long I had forgotten how he must've truly felt."

She would've spoken but something told her not to. It wasn't like him to give in anecdotes like this, but it wasn't her place to judge. She felt something coming towards the arena and stood to intercept it.

She felt a hand encompass hers and looked towards Toshi with a puzzled look on her face.

Toshinori: "There's no need. He's here..."


The crowd were still ecstatic from his entrance and the Heroes themselves were even more stunned, he had set a standard and they too knew of his motive - victory.

The first event would begin in 5 minutes and his arrival only brought unwanted attention and glares. Soemthing he was used to by now. He didn't stand with his class because they would be the frontrunners in this event. Most of all Todoroki, Bakugou and Izuna were his biggest concern while the others posed just as much threat to him as they did. Yet he was still unaware of a certain someone.

Midnight: "The first even, will be~"

She waltzed over to the 'game selector' and hit the settings to spin, the students watched in anticipation while others held confident smirks. The first event was made to either .ake or break them - testing their waters in spite of the dawning pressure around them, scrutiny from pros was evident throughout the arena.

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