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settling down here was the worst. I spent 3 hole weeks not knowing anything at all. I made friends quickly because of my looks. I was closet to Enzo..

I was on my way to breakfast when I bumped into a tall figure. I look up, it's that riddle boy again. I don't even bother to say sorry, I push past him and rolled my eyes.

he grabbed my arm with a very strong grip. " do you realise who I am?" He smerked, I pulled my arm out of grip immediately "ye a tow faced stuck up asshole" I smiled and walked away.

my first class today was DADA, I sit beside Ginny weasley. She has been by far the greatest friend ever.
"hello class today I have a seating plan." My face was shocked.

I had to sit beside someone else. I began getting anxious and scanning the room knowing completetly no one other then a few people.

Names were being called. "Ginny weasley and Draco malfoy." Now I knew Ginny was out of the picture. Everyone was seated except for 3 of us, me, Lorenzo an mattheo.

"Now you three can choose who sits with who everyone else study page 455" my eyes immediately shot to Lorenzo I was not sitting with mattheo.

"Come on enzo I'm sitting with you." I quickly say grabbing his arm.

"Oh now that isn't fair" mattheo says looking up with sad eyes, then quickly turns to the teacher.

"Oh professor look there holding hands they can't sit together they could be fucking during class!"

My jaw dropped, this is some weird kid shit. Everyone's head turned to us. I quickly let go off enzo and he snickered at how mad i was.

The professor made me sit beside mattheo. I can't believe this.

I was sitting starring at the binding off my book, then I felt a cold hand in my thigh going upwards too my skirt. "Your stuck with my princess" he whispered in my ear before class was over, he got up and walked away immediately leaving me shocked.

What the fuck just happened.

devils daughter. ( mattheoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now