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everyone was rushing out of the school. my eye searching furiously for draco, levi pulled my arm. " come on y/n." fear in his eyes. 

i pulled off his grip. " no, im not leaving without draco." i ran the oppisite way against the crowd. 

my mind was crazy with thought. where could they possibly be. i ran towards the astronmy tower. 

i stopped as i hear noises. " i have to do this! i have to kill you. or hes gonna kill me." i stood at the doorway, i seen harry peeking under the stairs. i didnt understand what was said next but draco was lowering his wand. i heard bellatrix and other death eaters coming. and i wasnt prepared if they were to kill draco.

i stood in frontof draco and pulled out my wand pointing it towards dumbledor, " sorry about this" i smiled to hide the pain. " AVADA KADAVRA" the green light came shooting out of my wand hitting dumbledor and hitting him out of the astronmy tower. "oopsies" i whispered. 

by the time i had killed dumbledor, bellatrix had watched this, aswell as other death eaters. 

"y/n im so proud of you my dear." bellatrix giggled towards me. 

me and draco followed behind the rest of the death eaters. 

" why did you do that? why did you help me?" draco asked. i looked him in the eye. 

" because i lov-" i was cut off by mattheo. hugging into me. 

" darling your alright! did anyone hurt you" he looked me in the eye. 

" no im fine but i may have killed someone" he stood there starring at me, me smerked and laughed. " thats my girl, now who was the someone?" 

" dumbledor." his eyes widened. " you were able to kill dumbledor, without hesitation?" 

" theo babe, my father is lucifer, i dont hesitate to anything." i walked away from both the boys, towards hagrids hut. 

" Y/N I TRUSTED YOU." harry screamed after me, tears in his eyes. " HOW COULD YOU" 

i was shocked he had the balls to even come near all these death eaters. 

i quickly ran towards him. " harry leave now, youll soon find out everything i promise, i love you okay, tell ron and hermione the same, because if i die during the process it wont be pretty" and with that he ran off. 

we aparated to the riddles manor. my body was tired. i fell to the ground weak. 

everything after that was a huge blur. i wondered if pansy was okay, as well as levi and blaise. i miss them. alot. 

A/N sorry this is short! huge thing coming soon!

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