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it was the next morning, i woke up and turned around and hit a hard body, not remembering lorenzo was in my bed. all the memories from last night slowly flushed in. i. fucked. enzo.

"morning gorgeous" he smiled looking down at me stroking my bear back. i then started to get used to his touch, his feeling. it was a safe feeling. i lay there starring at his beautiful eyes.

the silence broke when the door bursted open, it was pansy " WAKE UP Y/N-" she stood there starring at us, she was shocked, i mumbled fuck and got up out of bed with a blanket wrapped around me, i soon fell to the ground with the pain between my legs. fuck.

lorenzo laughed and walked over to the door in his boxers, "she will be ready in a few minutes" he closed the door and walked towards me, " i'll fuck you harder next time" i playfully punched his shoulder and i got up slowly and walked to the bathroom, i did my skin care routine and put some light makeup on. it was saturday so i decided to put on a black leather skirt with a slit on the left side on my thigh and a white lace tang top. with my white shoes. my hair was in a high ponytail with two strands of hair over my face. i walked out of the bathroom, my bed was made and my room was cleaned, lorenzo cleaned it and he was now fully clothed and sitting in my bed legs crossed reading one of my books.

his eyes scanned my body and he blow out before speaking "are you looking for a round two?" he smerks, i roll my eyes and grab him and walk down to the common room where pansy was waiting with blaise.

"so which one of you want to explain, are you two dating now or what?" pansy broke the silence, i've only been here 3 months and i gulp and turn my head to lorenzo to get his reaction.

he was already looking at me and then he turned back to the group "ye we are" he smiles interlocking his hand with mine, i smiled as in agreement, but i feel a cold glare on me. i scan the room and see mattheo starring at me. i gulp as his cold eyes shock my body.

i keep walking to the single couch with lorenzo he gestured i sit on his lap so i did, his cold hand on my thigh, his cold smooth hand. gently rubbing my thigh and down. we stayed like this for a while. but i got bored so i jumped up from the seat with an idea.

"let's go swimming" i day and everyone looks at me with confusion. "come on guys it will be fun don't be a wuss" so they all agreed and me and pansy went back up to my room to get an outfit, i decided on a dark green bikini, pansy choose a blue one.

we giggled as we walked down the stairs of the common room, we were technically half naked but we didn't care. we arrived at the lake and the boys were already there. lorenzo was starring at me. i turned away as i went red. " nothing i haven't seen before" he whispered into my ear. i laughed and jumped into the water, we were having a great time.

lorenzo made his way over to me. he lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist. i put my arms round his neck and we kiss. like that are lips collide. we pulled away ever so slightly, we were out far in the sea. blaise called lorenzo to come and help him with the snacks. he left and i stayed there relaxing.

but then something grabbed my foot and pulled me under, i tried to break free. i was only getting aid ever so slightly, and screaming help. the last thing i heard was lorenzo coming into the water and everyone screaming before i blacked out of lack of oxygen.

A/N thanks so much for the reads!! please follow my instagram!! caylap0tt3r, i love you all.

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