TRIAL- Preview

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With a gang of 40-45 people, a lone girl about 15 years old stood among them. Her purple hair swayed in the wind, holding her two beloved fans each in her hands. Her skirt flutter as she jumped into the air disappearing without a trace.


The last man of the 30 people fell straight to the ground after a minor stab from a golden plated sword by a girl only about 7 years old. Her blue scarf swayed in the wind as she took in her weapon. She messed up her short blue hair out of boredom and dashed into the air.


A girl not more than 5 years old hopped onto the ground gracefully as she twirled her two turquoise ribbon wands. Staring at a group of 35 people laying in defeat, she tied her blonde hair in a ponytail and jumped onto a building to another until she was no where to be seen.


"That's it?" the blue haired girl asked. "They just don't know how to give up." Her expression looks rough and unbeaten.

Right now, the three of them gathered in a secret base that only they know. The purple haired girl danced gracefully with her fan in both hands in a kimono. The blue girl held her fake sword and trained with a puppet, which looks beaten up. The yellow girl twirled around, dancing with her ribbon wands.

"I really feel sorry for them," the eldest girl said sympatheticly. Her expression is gentle and calm.

"You feel sorry for everyone we defeated," the yellow girl mumbled. Her expression feels cold and warm at the same time.

"Being part of TRIAL makes me happy but sad at the same time," the gentle girl mumbled. "It prevented me from achieving my dream of being a nurse."

"Here too," The expressionless girl complained. "I want to draw something."

"I wanna be a psychologist," the blue girl replied. "Although my behaviour is unacceptable..."

The purple dancer closed her fans and turned to them. "How about we go in separate ways?" she suggested. "It's not like we wanted to be the strongest in the first place."

"I don't mind nor care," the ribbon girl replied.

"Me neither," the girl retrieved her sword.

That was the last time the three met. Never that they know that they will have more challenges to face...

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