TRIAL 2 - Reunion

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Silence had come among them. It took a long while to wait for their reactions.

"You two!" Gakuko said excitedly. "It's been 10 years since I've seen you guys! You haven't change at all."

"Kai-chan..." Lenka started. "I thought I heard the tone of your voice somewhere before really is you..."

"Lenka-chan too," Kaiko stared at her. "Your politeness hasn't change a tiny bit!"

"You should say that to Gako-chan," Lenka countered. "She's still being all 'nice girl'..."

"Hey!" Gakuko pouted.

"It's true," Kaiko said. "Because of that, your colleagues took advantage of you."

"I suppose so..." the nurse mumbled.

"Why were you here anyway, Kai-chan?" Lenka asked. "School is already over."

"That stupid Kamui samurai teacher forced me to quit wanting to be a psychologist!" Kaiko complaint. "Not you Gako-chan, but the guy who had the same last name as yours."

"Kai-chan," Lenka said. "You know that Gako-chan has a crush on Kamui-sensei."

"Lenka-chan," Kaiko mimic her tone. "You know that everyone, including the Kamui guy knows that."

The two stared at the woman in front of them. She blushed furiously. It was quite obvious that she is in love with the PE teacher: blushing non-stop whenever he came for bandage, and stuttering her words whenever she talk to him. That's the main reason why Gakupo didn't visit the infirmary lately.

"A-anyway," Gakuko stuttered. "Why hadn't we met after a year in school?"

"I don't visit the infirmary unreasonably," Lenka stated. "And I'm always in the library during breaks." 'That's so like her...' the two other thought.

"I don't trust anyone when it comes to bandages," Kaiko said. "Besides whenever I came here to rest, no one was here...until now that is. Also I always-and I mean always have to change my mind for being a psychologist during breaks and after school!"

"Maybe it's because I was doing paperwork at home..." Gakuko thought back.

"You mean your colleagues' paperwork."

"Sheesh you two!"


"See you tomorrow Gako-chan," the two students greetered.

"Same here!" Gakuko replied.

The two walked along the corridor as they went to Lenka's classroom.

"By the way Lenka-chan," Kaiko started. "Why were you at the infirmary?"

Lenka froze for a moment. Kaiko mentally face palm herself. When did she became such a busybody? Maybe it's part of being a psychologist...

Lenka took Kaiko's hand and led her to her empty classroom. Silence filled in the room as the both of them sat opposite each other.

"Kai-chan," Lenka started. "You wanted to be a psychologist right?" Kaiko nodded. "Then can you please hear my problem?"

'This is a first,' Kaiko thought.

"First," Lenka said. "Do you know who's Kagamine Rinto?"

Kaiko nodded, "Rinto is the playboy of the school who has gone out with many girls in school, who is attracted to Kagamine Rin, our school Madonna in gymnastics who has a boyfriend named Kagamine Len."

Lenka nodded sending a message through her expression. Kaiko just stared at her junior.

"You can't be serious..." Kaiko mumbled.

"I confessed to him last week," Lenka said. "He forcibly kissed me and called me his toy. I pushed him afterwards."

"That good for nothing-!" she yelled.

"Kai-chan," Lenka interrupted. "Patience."

Kaiko took a deep breath and nodded. "Continue."

"I was wondering on how to face him when I'm with him..."

The blue girl thought for a while before finally came to a conclusion, "If it were me, I would just act like nothing happened. We wouldn't want any awkwardness. Besides, if it were a guy like him, he would've forgotten about it."

Lenka thought for a while. 'It's true. He has a bunch of girls to go after. He may have forgotten about that incident...'

"Thanks Kai-chan," Lenka smiled. "I think I know what to do."

Kaiko smiled back. "Helping people in delima really helps mine if I had any," she explained. "It's why I like to be a psychologist. If only Kamui-sensei knew..."

"Kai-chan is soing well," Lenka encouraged. "It's only patience that needs to be improved."

"I know."

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