3. Bronze Bullets

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"Hey Jaybird, where were you? Percy came back awhile ago- what happened?" Dick would have to be an idiot to miss the distressed expression on his brother's face.
Something had happened whilst he was gone.

With a heavy sigh Jason spoke up. "Percy killed a-"
"What? You two are definitely related."
"Whatever, she killed a-"
"Does Bruce know?!"
Jason glared at his brother furiously, "Can you stop interrupting me! Percy killed a snake-lady-monster before we could ask her questions, and we then had a disagreement. And I sounded so much like Bruce while doing it!"

Dick couldn't help but laugh, this was a conversation he had never thought he would be having with Jason.
His brother, the Red Hood, had an argument with someone after they killed someone.

"Why are you laughing? It's not funny!" Dick could only shake his head at his brother in amusement.

"Tt Todd you realize that monsters can't die? I do not see why you are so exasperated." The two brothers looked up to see Damian leaning against the railing of the stairs watching them with unblinking eyes.

"I know that pip squeak. That's not what I'm 'exasperated' about! The Draca-whatever it's called said she 'hadn't been sent to kill us yet' and asked if someone 'had told her'."
Dick looked back at Jason, an alarmed look on his face.
Someone was targeting Percy, and from what the demigod had told them on leading two wars it made sense.

"Well that's a problem."
Jason only glared at him. "No sh*t Sherlock."


"I don't see why you guys are so worried, this isn't any different than the last seven years of my life."
Percy had joined Damian at the stairwell, the two of them both looking mildly annoyed with the two of them.

Dick and Jason shared a look, the same thought on both their minds.
That's concerning.

Percy let out a heavy sigh. "Look if it makes you happy Damian and I can go out and kill any other monsters in Gotham."
"Wait, why Damian?" Jason looked mildly offended as he stared up at his sister.

"Because Jason, this whole time I've been here I've been training Damian to kill monsters, he's as good as any demigod now." Dick didn't miss the smug look on Damian's face.

"So what? You told him about some monsters? You can tell me about them!"

Percy just rolled her eyes at her brother. "I've been doing a-lot more than that. Teaching Ancient Greek, swordsmanship, I gave him a celestial bronze katana, and yes, telling him about different monsters."

Her brother only crossed his arms, his frown deepening. "Not to be rude but I highly doubt you taught him anything when it came to swords...."

At that Damian spoke up, his smug look turning into a proud smirk. "No Percy did. She is the best blades master in 300 years."

Normally if someone claimed something like that Dick would be skeptical, however, Damian—one of the proudest people he knew as well as the grandson of Ra's al gul, had been the one to admit that his brother's sister was the best swordsman... he couldn't help but believe it.

Jason could only scoff, "Then at least let me come with you, it's good to have at least one ranged weapon."

The demigod shook her head as she slowly made her way down the stairs, Damian trailing after her."It's too dangerous for someone not properly trained. Besides you are out of bullets."

Jason wasn't buying it."I can get more. And if it was so dangerous why did we just go monster blasting?"

"That was before the monsters were specifically targeting me, also only celestial bronze kills monsters and before you ask, no you can't just 'get some' they take a long time to be made."

"Well then you aren't going! Demon here is better at killing then working in teams. I can watch both of your back as you fight."

Before Percy could protest Dick finally spoke up from beside his brother. "Then there has to be someone with celestial bronze bullets already? At least one.... demigod... thing has to have them right?"

At Dick's words Percy's expression grew solemn and her eyes looked off into the distance—tears already filling them before being quickly wiped away.

"Y-yes." She cleared her throat before continuing.

"There is someone."


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