7. The Plot Thickens

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I would just like to say that I honestly don't know that much about hellhounds so a lot of this is made up.


"Let's finish this."


Percy dived back into the fight without a second thought, Riptide held firmly in her hand as she swung the bronze sword around widely in an attempt to fend off the four overgrown mutts that seemed to think she looked delicious.

I mean I really do be lookin' like a snack at least someone is finally noticing....

Percy winced as one of the monster's clawed paws made it past her sword.

Styx that hurts.

The gash was deep but luckily the jagged cut was on the same arm as her broken hand, and only slowed her momentarily.

From the corner of her eye, she could see Damian and Jason making quick work of a hellhound as they worked together as a single unit.

It made Percy think of all she had heard of Robin, a mantle that had been held by four different people, the title meaning you worked with the big bad bat in an attempt to save the crime capital of the world, Gotham City from the maniacs that roamed the streets at night.

When they were little both Jason and her had looked up to Robin, how could they not?

He was a kid that fought at Gotham's dark knight's side, proving to all the young street rats of Gotham that just because of their age they weren't defenseless-- he gave them hope that they could make something of themselves.

Little did they know then that Jason would become the next Robin after Dick Grayson.

"Perseus!" A familiar voice dragged her back to the present and the demigod whipped her head around in time to see an arrow piece into the ugly head of a hellhound just a mere foot away from Percy's face.

Sorry Mrs. O'Leary.

"Thanks, Dolion."

She could hear the dark-haired son Apollo let out a huff of air from where he sat perched on an exhaust vent behind her.

"You can thank me by keeping your head in the fight." He paused as he threw a dagger at one of the mutts effectively sending it to Tartarus. "I don't want my first time fighting with the famed heroine of Olympus ending with her death."

She quickly slashed as a mouth full of jaws snapped at her. "Aw is that why you are here? To keep me alive?"

Dolion scoffed at that, although Percy didn't miss the playful edge in his voice.

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