6. An Unlikely Saviour

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"Okay not that I don't feel mildly badass walking around Gotham at night wearing a freakin breastplate and what not... but what are we looking for?"
Percy smiled at the incredulous look on her brother's face when she simply shrugged at her question.

"You don't know?" He loosely kicked at a pebble on the deserted sidewalk. "At least when I go on a mission I have a..." Jason paused and scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Well actually scratch that I don't always have a plan. But I have a vague idea of what I have to do."

At that Nico barked out a laugh while Damian just scoffed. "Gods Percy the both of you are practically twins." He shook his head as he mumbled to himself. "Who would have thought that you take after your mortal mother so much?"

Percy quirked up her eyebrow, having heard her cousin's mumble. In the last couple of years she would be lying if she said she had even thought of her birth-mother, the one that ODed leaving her and Jason alone on the streets of the crime capital of the world.
Did she really take after her that much?
The demigod glanced over at her brother deep in thought. She knew that she and Jason were similar in more ways than one, and she was happy that they were, but you think that she would take more after her dad since he was, you know, a god.

Before her mind could wander any further Damian scoffed at Nico's words. "Percy and Todd are nothing alike."

"Demon you wound me, do you not think I could be as cool as my heroine sister?" the young adult held his hand to his chest in mock hurt as he raised his eyebrow beneath the small domino mask that protected his identity.

"Tt no I do not Todd."

At that Percy knew Jason was rolling his eyes under the white lenses on the mask. "Well you're one to talk Tatar tot, you haven't even been off-world yet."
Jason's smirk quickly faded when he noticed Damian had one of his own. "Wait have you?"
The small child didn't answer and instead walked past his older brother.
"Demon! Have you? Hey, answer me!" Jason jogged to catch up with the wee lad.

For once the two cousins were left alone. "Thanks for coming Neeks."
The younger glanced at her from the corner of his eye, a poorly hidden smile on his face. "Don't call me Neeks and I'll call it even."
"I'll think about it."

After that, the two fell into a comfortable silence, as they both focused on looking through the mist for any possible monster lairs.

From the corner of her eye, Percy saw a shadow move as they passed a dark alleyway, she held up her hand and motioned for the three boys to stop.
"Do you see anything Neeks?"
If the teen noticed the use of his nickname he didn't show it, he instead cautiously stepped towards the mouth of the ally and looked eagerly into the depths.

After a moment he twisted his ring and his long curved blade appeared. "Hellhounds." as soon as the words left the son of Hades mouth the monster in question jumped out from the blackness, four more of its kind right behind.

Needing no directions the group of four launched into the battle, each now wielding their respective weapons.

Nico reached the beasts first and he crouched down as one of them pounced, when the hellhound was over him he slashed its soft underbelly before quickly sidestepping and hacking at its leg with the deadly blade.

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