Chapter 15 - Reunite

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The trio landed in the middle of the entryway with a sudden feeling of rushing downward fast as their feet hit the ground. Holly was just now realizing it was not that they actually even physically slammed into the ground upon landing, it was just the mind-jarring sensation of being moved between two places via a higher-dimensional plane almost instantly. They were getting better at maintaining their balance while doing so though. Holly walked into the living room. As soon as Anna May saw Holly she squealed with delight as she ran towards her saying "Auntie Holly! Auntie Holly!" She knelt over and scooped her up in her arms standing back up as she placed her little figure on her hips with her arms around her waist. She kissed Holly and said. "Did you get hurt in the fight?" her eyes wide with worry. "No one got hurt, El Echad made a way where there was no way."

"I'm glad you're ok," said Anna May with a toothy smile. Holly crashed on the sofa taking Anna May with her. Holly's Mom and Dad had come over as well and joined her on the couch.

Mom gave Holly a stern look. "What?" she said looking confused. "It was nice of you to tell us what you were up against. Caius just filled us in." "Oh," Holly said sheepishly. "Well, I didn't want you guys to worry. That and it's been so crazy we have hardly had time to breathe let alone fill everyone else in." Mom looked at Holly sternly for a moment longer then smiled. "I probably would have just worried anyway not being able to do anything, so I'll give you that much." Holly smiled at her. Sarah talked about how they were settling into their temporary living and how she and Roy were starting to bond with the Walker family. Who would have guessed the Whites and the Walkers Holly mused? And Cyrus and Kimberley weren't the only ones she thought inwardly with a smirk of pleasure and happiness.

The family that was hosting the Walkers had made a feast and generously invited everyone to join them in the dining room. They had pulled in another table and joined it next to the other one before burdening it with dishes of vast variety. Most of which Holly had no idea what they were. There was a cooked bird that looked like a turkey, but much bigger, and the wings had a spur-like claw on it as ducks do. She tried a little bit of most of the dishes. Holly didn't have room in her stomach. Not in the same way Cyrus did anyway. As she looked, sure enough, his plate had reached that point where there was nowhere for food to go but up as he stacked entrees on top in a mound. Travis sat next to Cyrus enjoying his food. He looked up and saw Holly watching him and smiled at her with a wink. He was so charming she thought! That fire was back in her chest and stomach again.

After dinner, they all migrated to the living room to find chairs and sofas to crash in. Holly saw Travis sitting on a small couch by himself so she took the liberty of joining him. He smiled and looked at Holly but she could tell he was still nervous by the way his hand fidgeted and his foot tapped the floor softly. "Are you having a good time so far?" He said sounding nervous. "I am now," Holly said moving closer to him. Kimberley looked amused at seeing Travis's shy side and watched intently while sipping the sparkling gold beverage Cyrus had just brought her before sitting down and placing an arm over her shoulder.

Travis tried to make light conversation. "Did you try the fruit cider they had? I'm not sure what kind of fruit it is but it's sweet and delicious." "Oh, I'm in the mood for something sweet and delicious," she said. Giving him a mischievous grin. He was so nervous he missed the double entendre. "I'll get you a cup," he said going to get up. Holly threw both her legs up and over his trapping him on the couch and sat up closer to his face drawing herself up by his jacket. "I've got all the sweet I need right here," Holly said with a broad smile drawing close to him, and waiting for him to draw her the rest of the way. His face changed to confidence when he saw the sparkle in her eyes. Taking his right hand he placed her narrow small jawline in between his index finger and his thumb while placing his other hand on the side of her face and the back of her neck drawing Holly in passionately for a kiss as her eyes closed in expectation before their lips met softly and passionately, each seeking the other out.

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