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Louis' POV:

Everyone in the school had the next day off. Fucking finally, I say. We do need a break sometimes. The school officials just refuse to understand that. Having a day off meant we could sleep in for a little longer. It sounds so heavenly right? I was so ready to sleep more for another hour or so.

But of course, that would be too much to ask. I was lying in bed, perfectly content, with my arms around Harry, when one of our phones rang. Harry just lifted his head sleepily before going back to sleep against me. The phone, of course, still kept ringing. And that is definitely not my ringtone, so that must be Harry's phone.

He didn't show any sign of getting up to turn it the fuck off, so I smacked the side of his stomach, "Wake up and turn your phone off. For fuck's sake." He shifted a little and groaned, "Stop hissing at me. It's too early for this." I exclaimed, "Exactly! It's too early to wake up, and your phone isn't letting me sleep."

He sighed and reached out to pick up his phone. He glanced at the caller ID before sitting up immediately. I asked questioningly, "All okay?" He nodded, "Yeah, it's Trae, just a second." He then answered the call and pressed the phone to his ear. I was still sleepy, so I went back to snuggling my face in the pillow.

A minute later, Harry poked me, "Wake up. Trae wants us in the common room." I flipped over and groaned, "What? Why?" He explained, "Well, she said something about Destiny wanting to discuss the debate competition with you. And Trae wants to talk to me and Niall about the talent competition." Ugh. I didn't really want a full explanation but okay.

I sighed exaggeratedly as I sat up. What? I wanted to make it clear that I did not wanted to get up yet. Harry chuckled, "Drama queen. It's not even that early." I ignored him as I stood up. He gaped at me amusedly, "Are you actually mad at me?" I glared at him, "Yes."

He asked with a stupid, adorable smile on his face, "Because I'm making you get up?" I huffed, "Yes." He giggled as he put his arms around me and yanked me closer, "You're cute when you're mad." I tried to push him away, "No. Go away. I hate you."

He pressed a kiss first to my temple and then to my mouth, "Feeling's mutual, love." Love. For some reason, the term made me feel warm inside. Okay, this is stupid. Whatever. I huffed past him and got into the shower. Of course, he followed too. Showering together is more efficient or something. Whatever. He's good eye candy, so I'm not complaining.

We were at the common room soon enough. My ankle was better today, so that was good. None of our friends said anything about us walking in together. They probably assumed that Harry was helping me walk. Whatever.

Harry turned to Astraea as soon as we sat down, "Did you get us something to eat?" Us. I like the sound of that. Ew. Destiny spoke up instead, "They don't allow sneaking food out of the cafeteria but I got you guys granola bars." Of course, she did. Kiss-ass. She probably got it for Harry. Ugh, why am I thinking like this? She's my best friend. I mentally made a note to talk to Destiny alone.

Harry meanwhile gratefully took the granola bars and tossed me one. He said as he took the first bite, "I'm starving. Thanks, Tina." Oh. So they're not gonna be awkward. Good to know. Destiny just chuckled, before turning to Liam and I and started talking about the debate competition. The Rogues were talking about something too, presumably the talent competition.

Anyway, the debate competition was in a week. We had to start preparing immediately. So, we discussed about that. However, a while later, Astraea's voice cut through, "Guys! Hello?" Destiny whipped around, "What?" Astraea rolled her eyes, "We're going to the band room. Just letting you know." Destiny just nodded an okay before turning back to us. Well, okay.

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