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Louis' POV:

I sat down on the sofa in the common room with a groan. My ankle was terribly twisted. Walking was literally so difficult. Harry did help me a bit with everything. That was nice of him. Like, I know we hate each other, but he still carried me around and helped to walk. I hate him. Ugh. I hate everyone. And everything. Honestly, I should blame Astraea for this.

It's her fault that my ankle is a mess right now. She dared Destiny to kiss Harry, which annoyed me and made me uncomfortable for some reason. I kicked the wall too hard literally because of that. It's ridiculous. Why can't Destiny go kiss Julia or something? Heck, even the non-existent Katie would do. Whatever. It's just weird! I can't believe I have kissed the same person as Destiny. And I kissed him first. It's gross. Whatever. Doesn't matter.

I thought I could comfortably do my homework in the common room alone, but obviously not. Astraea and Niall entered the common room in five minutes. Why are they literally always together? Jesus. You'd think those two are twins instead of Astraea and Destiny. Okay, on the bright side , Destiny and Liam weren't here, so Astraea and Niall should successfully ignore me. Right?

Nope. They beelined to me as soon as they saw me. Like, why even?! Niall sat down next to me, while Astraea took the bean bag. She grinned at me, "Lewis." I smiled back sweetly, "Ass-traea. Hi love." She laughed aloud before shaking her head, amused, "Nice one. Anyway, how's your ankle?" I groaned as I threw up my hands in annoyance, "Awful! I can't walk on my right ankle. It sucks. (H)orrible!" 

Niall snorted, "Yeah, well, how do you even trip and fall in your room?" Huh? Oh, right, that's what I told them. I scoffed aloud, "It wasn't even my fault. Your stupid friend keeps everything lying around!" Niall's face looked rather suspicious at that, but Astraea nudged him with her leg, and he didn't say anything. Even though he looked like he really wanted to.

Huh. What is that about? Oh my god. Is Harry not really that messy? I don't really know, to be honest. I'm quite messy to be honest. And wouldn't Niall know if Harry's messy? They lived together for three years... Oh for fuck's sake. 

Niall and Astraea continued talking about something while I went back to my homework. A while later, Liam walked in alone and groaned in frustration when he saw who I was sitting with. I told him it wasn't even my fault. I was here first, and they came and sat next to me for some reason. And I'm not even going to try to move; my ankle can't handle that. 

Liam took a seat as well, as of course, proceeded to argue about something with Astraea. Then again, a few minutes later, Destiny walked in too. With Harry. Like, together. She was tugging on his arm and they were laughing over something. Oh, for hell's sake. I seriously don't need this right now.

Of course, they came and sat with us too. What, are the six of us are a group now? Christ. Harry looked at me and Niall sitting on the same sofa and sort of frowned, I suppose? Does that make sense? Probably not. He then sat down on the other double-sofa with Destiny. Well, of course.

So, the six of us ended up ditching our homework and talking. We have never done this before. Destiny, Liam and I always study together first before talking and catching up on stuff. Ever since we started hanging out with the Rogues, our serious study schedule has been so fucked up. They are bad influences on us!

Then, I suddenly heard Astraea chuckle loudly, "Oh my god, H, shut up. You have stuffed toys literally everywhere in your bedroom. You don't get to call us childish." Harry threw his hands up, "You guys have barbies in your room! Barbies!" I blinked, "You've been to Tina's room?" What? I meant Tina and Trae's room. Obviously. Like their rooms back at their house.

Harry looked taken aback but he shrugged, "Yeah. Niall and I went over to live with he Starrs for a week during break, before this semester started." What...? I didn't know that. Destiny literally lived with the Rogues for a whole week? What the hell? Which means she kind of lived with Harry too?

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