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Harry's POV:

I was dreading going to my room for the year. As soon as I stepped inside, my personal hell would begin. Sharing a room with the biggest asshole of them all. Ugh. What did I ever do to deserve this? Honestly I'd rather share a room with Dandruff Danny from Hannah Montana. Okay, that's probably a stretch but I'm sure I've made my hatred clear. 

Niall said as we neared Room 132, "Good luck, mate. You're gonna need it." I sighed, "Yeah, thanks." Astraea chuckled from my other side, "I just want to know every word the two of you exchange. That's going to make up for not having a TV." Niall laughed at that, "Yeah. I'll have to make popcorn for every time Harry tells us about his experiences." Astraea winked, "Good thing I brought tons of peri peri." Niall cheered at that and high-fived her. I rolled my eyes, "Why am I friends with you guys again? Motherfuckers, both of you."

Niall burst out laughing at that while Astraea slung her arm around my neck, "Love you too, H." Oh, look. We were at my room. This is where we part ways. Niall fist-bumped both of us before walking away. Astraea winked, "Tell me everything later." She then walked away too. To her room where her precious Tina was probably waiting for her. Ugh, those two were absolutely annoying. 

I took a deep breath before walking into Room 132. It was pretty nice room. It was spacious enough and there were two beds. One of the beds was near the big window, whereas the second bed was near the bathroom door. A good thing about this school is the two-person bathrooms. Those were an absolute blessing. Imagine sharing a bathroom with like ten people. Gross. No, thanks. 

To my relief, the Tomlinson twat wasn't here yet. Ugh, is it too late to wish that he'd get hit by a car on the way here? Is that too mean? I just, hate him so much. Ugh. Pushing past my hatred for him momentarily, I put my bags on the bed next to the window. The view was pretty nice, and the fresh air made me happy. Maybe this won't be so bad. 

Of course, Tomlinson had to ruin everything as soon as he stepped foot into the room. He arrived five minutes later and glared at me, "Styles. Back from hell, I see." I smiled sweetly, "No less than you, Tomlinson. Or did you leave regular hell to visit Tartarus for break?" I could tell that surprised him. He raised an eyebrow, "Tartarus, huh? Looks like somebody isn't an absolute dimwit. Good lad, good lad."

I scoffed, "Yeah, of course you'd think that. You think you're so smart. Fucking geek." He just batted his eyelashes, "I'm sorry my intellectual progress intimidates you. It's okay, Styles. We'll get through this." I rolled my eyes, "Shut up, you fucking moron. I have to unpack anyway."

That's when he noticed my bags on the bed I chose. He glared at me before walking over and knocking my bags off the bed, "Why the fuck do you get the better bed?" My God. Can you believe this moron? I picked up my bags and put it back on the bed, "First come, first serve. Or do you not know that, loser?" He huffed in annoyance knowing I was right, "Fine. You better believe I'm getting that bed next term."

I groaned, "Don't remind me. I'm stuck with your fucking fat ass for a whole year." He winked as he claimed the other bed, "My ass is perfectly fine, but thank you for your concern." He was so infuriating. Jesus. I growled as I quickly unpacked my bags, "Fuck off, Tomlinson."

He shrugged in that infuriating way he does, "Sorry, no can do. I live here too now." There he goes reminding me again. I hate him. I quickly finished unpacking. I can't stand to be near the twat for a second longer. I spat at him before leaving the room, "See you never, dickface."

Of course, that didn't happen either. I walked down to the senior common room. Niall and Astraea were already on two low sofas. I went over to them and flopped down on the bean bag, "I fucking hate my life." Astraea and Niall burst out laughing at that. Jesus, my friends don't know what sympathy is. Astraea snatched the bag of chips Niall was holding as she said, "So. Tell us what happened." Niall smirked, "Yeah, this is going to be interesting."

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