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"O-oh my god," San said

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"O-oh my god," San said. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to say that."

Wooyoung was frozen in shock. In his head, he kept hearing San say his name, over and over and over again.


And in that tone of voice...

"Wait, wait, I need to explain," San sat up and reached blindly for him, grasping his shoulders. "Please, will you listen to me?"

He said my name... Does... does he know?

Wooyoung leaned back, scrambling to pull his mask back over his face and to turn on the voice modifier. "Uh... yeah."

San pulled the blindfold off. "I need to be honest with you," he said. "The past few times... that we've done this, I've..." he trailed off. "I've been pretending that you were someone else."

Pretending... Someone... else...

"I know, it's gross, a-and terrible, but you... you remind me of him so much," San continued, "You even have his mole, on your bottom lip. It drives me insane," he laughed, but it sounded hollow.

Wooyoung touched his mouth through the mask. Of course, San of all people would recognize his lips, for god's sake.

"And guess what?" San asked. "A few hours ago, I was thinking: So many things would make sense if you were Wooyoung."

Masked Secrets |Woosan|Where stories live. Discover now