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0 Weeks Pregnant

Later that day at the Port Angeles mall

I laughed as Alice stomped her foot glaring at the very amused Rosalie.
"No, absolutely not!" Alice glared. "These would look so much better!"
"Alice sweetie," Rose smirked. "She's having boys, rambunctious little boys who have Jacob and Edward as their dads, do you honestly think either one of them will their sons to wear that?"
"She has a point." I butted in from my spot on the bench.
"You're taking her side!?" Alice gaped before pouting and storming off.
"On it. You stay here, I'll be back soon."
I sighed as the blonde walked off after her sister.
Smiling to myself, I couldn't help but wish that I would someday have a daughter as well. I love my sons, yes, but I want a little girl who it this spitting image of myself running around one day.
"Hello Lexi." Tensing up, I slowly turned my head and gasped.

Jacob's P.O.V

"And done!" I cheered as we moved the last of the furniture in.
"This place is awesome!" Paul laughed dusting his hands off.
"It better be after all his slave driving!" Leah glared leaning against the door frame.
"You love it and you know it!" Sierra smirked wrapping her arms around Leah's waist. Leah didn't say anything, just kissed her imprint and smiled.
"You think they'll be back soon?" Seth asked looking at Edward and myself.
"Pfft yeah right. Alice is a shopaholic. I doubt will see them before 8 o'clock tonight." I laughed as Ed chuckled.
Seth pouted before flopping down on the floor exhausted.
"She'll love it right?" Sam questioned, eyes darting around.
"Yes, she will." Emily smiled coming to stand beside him, looking ready to burst at any given moment.
"So when are you due?" Esme asked smiling at her.
"A few more weeks." Em replied rubbing her big belly. "But I feel like I could pop at any moment. Guess being 37 weeks pregnant can do that to ya."
"Is this weird?" Colin asked. "I mean, you being here? With the whole mind control thing..."
"A little bit, but after speaking with Lexi daily, it doesn't feel weird, I don't feel out of place anymore." She smiled. "I'm just glad she was able to figure out what was going on."
I turned away then. Sam and Dad know something, and they're not sharing it with the rest of us. It's making me uneasy.
After all, she's tormenting my mate.

Ann's P.O.V

"It's good to finally meet you in person." I smiled reaching out to touch Lexi's shoulder. But she moved away from me and glared.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came because I want to talk to you, and you will listen."
"I'll do no such thing!" Lexi snapped, standing up. "First you drive a wedge between my mom and me, then you torment me and for what!? Because of what the Elders did? No! Stay away from me!"
She spun around and took off down the mall.
Guess we're doing this the hard way. I looked towards my husband, Luka, and nodded my head.
I felt his power wash over the area, freezing time.
Not wasting any time, as his gift can be unpredictable, I rushed forward and stuck the needle in her neck and carried her out to the parking lot, Luka following us and helping me get her in just as his time unfroze again.
"Sorry Lexi, but you have me no other choice." I whispered closing the door before climbing into the passenger seat.
Soon, I will my family together again. Soon, I will make the Elders pay.

Rosalie's P.O.V

"Alice, come on. It's just baby clothes!" I sighed as continued to ignore me, riffling through the clothes. "Ally, please, let's just go home. We've got everything we need now and besides, it's not good for Lexi to be up an on her feet this much."
Sighing she turned towards me.
"It's not just clothes Rose." She pouted. "It's the fact that, yes we are going to love these boys, no matter what, but they won't truly be apart of us. They'll be apart of the Pack. Apart of Rachel and Rebecca. Hell even apart of Paul. They'll share blood and we won't. So we have to do better by being the fabulous aunts that we are."
"Alice." I started putting my hands on her shoulders. "That is ridiculous."
"I know we won't share blood with them, but we don't even share blood. Do you think I don't love as much as I would have if we had been born sisters?"
"Well no bu-"
"And what about Edward? He won't technically be sharing blood with them either, but do you think he won't love just as much as Jacob?"
"Well of course he loves them!"
"Exactly!" I smiled. "Family doesn't start or end with blood, if it did we wouldn't be sisters. Edward wouldn't be a dad. I love you sister and those boys will you too. Okay?"
"Okay." She whispered hugging me.
"Now, let's go, I'm sure Lexi is starving." I smiled pulling her along.
Just as we were approaching the bench where left Lexi, I noticed she was gone.
"Lexi?" Alice called out looking around.
"Alice..." I started. "Do you smell that?"
She stayed silent for a minute as the smell hit her too.

Lexi's P.O.V

I groaned as I sat up on the strange bed and looked around. Where am I? What happened?
"Good you're awake." Turning I saw a dark skinned man with red eyes staring at me.
Vampire. A human drinking vampire! I started to move back only to be stopped by the chain wrapped around my ankle.
"Wait!" He called. "Don't freak out, I'm going to go get Ann. She'll explain everything, just don't pull at the chains. You could hurt yourself."
"Why the hell do you care!?" I growled. "And who the fuck are you!?"
"I'm Luka, Ann's husband."
"Why am I here!?"
"You're here because you refused to listen." Turning towards the door, I saw Ann walk in.
"So? Why should I listen to you!? All you've done is lie and torment me!" I glared.
"I haven't lied."
"You have!" I snapped. "You said you just wanted revenge and to get your kid back but you kidnapped me! You're a psychopath!"
"Huh?" I asked confused calming down slightly.
"The Elders took both my children from me." Ann explained. "My son was four, almost five when I gave birth to my daughter. When Luka found me, and realized I was his mate. When I became a vampire."
"They took them from me. My babies. And they banished me. Forced me from my home, away from my family. Before I even had a chance to my my new daughter. I only got hold her once." Ann spoke, her voice shaking with emotion. "One time before I started seizing so badly that I almost died. That's when I made Luka turn me. So I could live long enough to be there from my kids. But the Elders are biased and filled with hate for vampire kind."
"So you finally understand? You finally see the truth?" Ann smiled coming to sit besides me.
"But... It can't be! They would have-"
"Would have what?" She questioned bitterly. "Would have told you? Hell they didn't even tell your brother, or Anthony! Only the Elders knew, and of course the current Alpha."
I felt my heart sink as my eyes widened.
"NO! He would have told me!" I shouted moving back. "He's my dad he would have told me!"
"How can you be sure? How can you possibly know? After all, you lived most of your life believing the lies people told you. How can you be sure that your so called father doesn't know?"
"Stop it!" I screamed covering my face as I cried. "J-just stop it!"
"I don't want to cause you pain."
"Bullshit!" I growled and glared at her through me tears.
"It's true. The last thing I wanted was for or your brother to get hurt in all of this. After all, you're my kids."

Ann and Luka

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Ann and Luka

The Rejected Imprint, The Accepted Mate.        (Cover Is Made By My Bestie)Where stories live. Discover now