Chapter 4

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     After Mic fangirling and Aizawa trying to suppress a smile, Shinsou walked up to his bedroom. Just as he entered, he heard his phone ding from the bedstand. He checked the time, 12:00 A.M. on the dot. He flipped over his phone. One New Message: Pikachu: Hey Shinsou

     Shinsou opened the app, and they texted back and forth for a while until Denki started a call. "Sooooo, Shinsou?" Denki stared. "What?" "Wow, ok, rude. But, I was wondering if you- uh." A million thoughts ran through Shinsou's mind as he waited for Denki to finish. 

     "Do you wanna go to the cafe with me tomorrow... as, like, a date...?" Shinsou's face got hot. "Uh, yeah. Sure. Defidently!" "OK then. It's a date!" Just as Shinsou was about to reply, Denki ended the call.

Authors Note: Sorry this is such a short chapter! All of this story is prewritten on my notes app (I wrote it a long time ago) and a lot of the story is cut because I was a trashy writer (still am) anywho if you're reading this garbage story then than thank you so much <3 

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