Chapter 7

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After Denki managed to get down, which included much flailing and screeching, they continued down a little dirt path. The path was not made intentionally. It was worn into the ground from years of walking. 

Finally, they reached their destination, a circle of trees with a thick layer of vines covering the entrance. Shinsou pulled back some vines and tied them back with a piece of string that had been wrapped around a nearby tree. 

"Shinsou, dude, this place is beautiful!" Denki exclaimed examining the area. Trees framed the clearing perfectly. Flowers sprouted from the ground and a small river could be heard in the background. 

Shinsou smiled to himself at Denki's awe. "I knew you'd like it."

It didn't take long for the boys to completely collapse on the grass. They laid close to each other, admiring the sky in comfortable silence. however, to Shinsou's surprise, he soon felt a warm hand on his shoulder. 

He looked over at Denki, who was now asleep. Shinsou had no choice but to let him sleep and slowly engulf him in a hug.

They lied in silence for a little while longer until Denki stirred. He looked up at Shinsou with large, tired eyes.  

"Hey, Shinsou?"
"I had a lot of fun today."
"I did too."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Go for it."
"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Shinsou's cheeks tinted red at the question. "Yes," he answered finally. Denki smiled and laid his head on Shinsou's chest. 

They both drifted off into sleep, hands intertwined.

                                                                  ❤ The End ❤

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