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Mukuro's Pov
Monokuma called everyone down to the trial room but I wouldn't go! I couldn't leave her alone, I didn't want to. I tore off my wig and threw it too the ground in frustration. Why did she have to save me, why couldn't it have been me to go through that pain. I'm supposed to be the brave soilder I'm supposed to be the fierce fashionista. My thoughts suddenly got caught off by the screen in my room. "Hey sissy" Junko said with her evil smile. I just looked at her. "Aw okay...well I guess you don't have to come to the trial because you will just ruin it anyways. But this is your only free pass sis :)" "Love ya" the screen cut off. She was letting me miss a trial...?

Makoto's Pov
Monokuma appeared infront of us " sadly we'll be missing two of our classmates..but nowone care about them anyway upupup..". I hated this bear so much. "Like we would want the traitor in our class trial" Byakuya said. Monokuma made us enter a huge elevator and we all seemed to hide in the corners as we headed to the trial rooms, the doors opened and we saw it. The class trial room.

Mukuro's Pov
I wiped away the tears in my eyes and looked in the mirror. Did I really want to pretend anymore...I mean they already know. With that I rubbed off the foundation on my hand revealing my Fenrir tattoo. I took off everything and my own outfit on. A fluffy black skirt with thigh high black stockings and a white collar shirt with a brown blazer overtop. I took off the makeup and did it how I wanted..I was scared for how Junko and the others would react but I would take the risk. I looked over at y/n "im sorry.." I walked over to my own bed and went to sleep.

Time skip: 3 days

Your's Pov
Was I dead..? No there was no way I could be dead..if I could still hear myself if I could still think, no it wasn't possible I was still alive. My mind slowly faded back into consciousness, I felt comfortable like really comfortable. I opened my eyes and Mukuro was there carrying me once again, though this time she didn't stop she just kept walking. One she came to a stop she placed me down in a chair. She just looked at me. She looked so much different, was she really Mukuro or was that the so called Junko I knew ? It had to be. She gave me the exact same concerned expressed she did before. I looked around, I was in the medbay. My whole body felt sore but I tried to ignore it...wait...why did my body hurt. I thought to myself for a minute but I still couldn't remember. We sat in silence for a few minutes. Mukuro was just staring at me. It stayed like this until Mukuro broke the silence. "I'm sorry." I was confused but before I got to speak she just hugged me. Was she crying...? "It's okay.." I smiled. "I almost got you killed, why are you being so nice to me!? I even lied to you.." it started to come back to me, not what happened just the pain. But she was my friend and I would do anything for her. "That's okay." I kept smiling, my whole body hurt but that was okay. I guess I saved her and that was my goal all along. "You know I think i-" she got cut off *DING DONG BING BONG* We both glanced at the tv now broadcasting a message from Monokuma "A body has been discovered! " He kept talking but I just cut that all out. "It happened again... someone got killed again.." she said. "Ugh.. I couldn't explain anything to you, well we have to go come on."she said clearly annoyed. What did she want to talk to me about..? Well I guess I'll find out later. I tried to stand up but my legs felt like jello and I immediately flopped back down into the chair. Mukuro sighed and picked me up, "y'know you owe me for this" she said while blushing. We walked around for abit until we heard a bunch of commotion. The body was in there. Mukuro covered my eyes "I don't think you're gonna like this so.." she said "yeah I don't think so either" I laughed. She entered the room , she didn't say anything but I felt her tense up. I moved her hand away from my eyes, Chihiro... was dead. Who could've done such a cruel thing?? She was killed and placed in a such horrible way... I felt like I was going to puke. But that all went away when people noticed me. "Your alive" "heh n-now I can r-read my books with you again" "welcome back miss" "..." I smiled at them. Makoto came running over "why didn't you tell me?" he asked "Body discovery" Mukuro responded..she sounded a little guilty. "Well we can just tell you what happened la-" he got cut off "its time to investigate" Kyoko interrupted. We all nodded then split up in groups to go investigate , Makoto and Kirigiri and Mukuro and I.

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