•{Chapter 4}•

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Jaden helped me stand up and walk out of her room closing the door behind him. He lead me to his bed and laid me down "oh uhh I can just go back to the room" I said looking at him he looked at me "it's ok Liv and anyways I don't want you going back there" he said smiling at me and covering me up with his blanket "thank you" I said he smiled and nodded. He walked into the bathroom and I heard the shower turn on, I just laid there with my eyes closed trying to go to sleep.

•20 minutes later•
I heard the bathroom door open I opened my eyes a little bit and saw Jaden walk out with grey sweats and no shirt with water dripping down from his hair on to his well defined abs, he looked at me and laughed "what's so funny?" I said sitting up but wincing at the pain of me moving "do you ever stop moving?" He said laughing "no I don't because I am a independent women who can handle p-pain" I say but wincing in pain because I moved again, he laughed and laid down next to me but far away from me.

"Well independent women" he said mocking me "can you let me help you?" He said laughing "Yeah yeah whatever" I said laying back down.

•5 minutes later•
"Hey uhh Jaden" I said whispering "Mhmm" he mumbled into his pillow "what am I here for?" I asked he sat up leaning against his head rest "uhh well Jackson kidnapped you to uhh use your body" he said looking down in guilt, I sat up carefully and lead on the head rest too "Even if I d-didn't want to?" I asked not really wanting a answer, he nodded "but uhh your ok now because your gonna stay with me until I can talk to Bryce about this" he said smiling at me "who?" "Oh he's my partner along with Jackson" he said "what is this?" I said referring to his job "uhhh please don't be scared of me" he said grabbing my hand I hesitated but nodded "we're in a huge mafia business that we own from our parents" he said

I'm actually shocked but at the same time I kinda always wanted to marry a hot mafia man and live in a million dollar mansion with my 6 kids.....but that was always a joke.....but anyways HES IN A FUCKING MAFIA

"Oh ok" is all I could get out "I-is Kimberly your biological kid" I asked "yea she is. Her mother had her and left because she found someone with more money and more time for her" he said looking down "I'm sorry Jaden. Is it hard on kim" I asked be nodded "yea she uhhh doesn't get to like hang out with any people but me and I'm barley ever here so she's left with a guard" he said sad and ashamed "well uhh if you ever want her to hang out with Someone other than a guard than I would be more than happy to do it" I said he smiled "yea she would love that" he said laughing slightly it fell into a comfortable silence.

"I-is Jackson gonna h-hurt me?" I asked stuttering "what no he's not, your with me now and I will let him know that" Jaden said putting a strand behind my ear sending butterflies to my stomach. "Plus Kimberly would kill me if I let something happen to you" he said laughing I smiled "let's get some rest ok" I nodded "oh uhh do you want clothes to wear for tonight so your not in jean shorts and a crop top" he said getting u o and walking to his closet. He handed me his boxers and hit hoodie, I walked to the bathroom with the help of Jaden "if you need help let me know" I nodded and closed the door. I managed to get the pants on, I opened the door and started walking to the bed slowly. Jaden helped me lay down then he went to his side and turned off the lamp. "Goodnight Liv" "Goodnight Jaden" I said crossing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

A/n: just had to bless your eyes real quick

A/n: just had to bless your eyes real quick

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And again 💋

And again 💋

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Kidnapped and fell in love~ Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now