Is This the Home of Merideth Grey?

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It was 5 o'clock. Derek picked up the phone and as he dialed the 9 he already saw the red and blue flashing lights. He stared out of the house he built and felt as his chest sunk in. Knocks at the door. He opend it trying to prepare himself.

"Is this the home of Merideth Grey" the officer said in a deep soft tone looking down, taking of his cap to his chest.

"Yes, i'm her husband" Derek sad quietly. As every possibility ran through his mind. He wanted another cop to be escorting Merideth out of the back of his car in hand cuffs more then what was crossing through his mind. But she wasn't there.

"I'm so sorry sir, there's been an accident." the cop replied. "You need to come with us."

Every moment with his wife flashed before he knew it. The way she felt. They way she looked. Everything. Derek wanted to rush to save her. He wanted to save her life now.

Then the heart crushing thought came to mind. Was this his fault? Because of their fight? What he did with a women's that wasn't her. Suddenly he had the gagging urge to through up just thinking about it. Even for 5 seconds he embraced a women that was not the love of his life.

Derek went to D.C after all of the arguments, all of the back and forth he left. He wasn't happy anymore. "No running, ever" Their marriage post it read loud and clear. But he ran. He needed to. At least that's what he's thought until she called him.

"This can't be how we end Derek" Mer told him.

"I know." "I know." Derek said in relief.

They were going to work through it. After all the fighting. They were trying.

"Should I come back?" Derek asked

"No, go." Merideth answered


"No in a good way, go. We will make this work." Mer said.

"We will" Derek replied

Even with the promise to try, Derek couldn't help it. He still had resentment towards his wife from all of the fighting. One night. He found himself kissing a fellow, then quickly pushing away. What was a second suddenly felt like throwing away a lifetime.

"I love my wife." he told her "And I don't want anything other then what I have with her"

He raced home. Forgetting his keys and most importantly his phone. Mer called it to talk to her husband. Until suddenly she heard a woman's voice. Mer was upset with him because a woman answered his phone. Thought raced through. When Derek told her he kissed her for a second Mer was furious. She needed a second alone. Yet Derek was determined to prove he only wanted her.

Merideth hated Derek for what he did. But she knew he loved her. She couldn't help it but need to speak to him. They stayed up all night talking. Suddenly she fell in love with him all over again.

In the morning they reconciled several times before the kids woke up. It was perfect. They were back and neither of them had been more grateful.

Derek had to go return everything to D.C the next day but out of respect for his marriage he let Mer go in his place. The thought of him being around that woman again was to much to bare. She picked up her stuff and kissed her kids then walked to the door.

"If you see her don't kill her." Derek joked as he joined her there.

"Hey you're lucky I didn't kill you" Merideth laughed as she kissed her husband goodbye.

"Doesn't matter that she kissed you Derek."

"Because you chose me." "You picked me." "You love me." Merideth said.

"I did." Derek smiled holding her cheek. Going in for a hug to say goodbye.

He was in surgery all day and had not seen her since that moment, never heard from her.

He snapped back to reality as the police officer escorted him to a hospital in the middle of no where. He couldn't wait to be there. He needed to see her alive. That's all he needed.

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