{Chapter 1~Reborn}

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The first thing Sakura notice when she woke's up was the wooden ceiling,so she blink her eyes carefully then carefully tilt her head to the left to see another sleeping baby in the arms of a-her new mother not that she know's it yet-woman so when she glance to the right she notice a pale looking man smiling underneath his breath

"Little Sakura is awake,Dear since you we're asleep earlier,i will introduce you Tanjiro Kamado your younger twin brother"as soon as those words left the woman's mouth she finally understood.So as i respond she laugh under her breath pretending to be a normal baby

With her laugh the woman and the man that has been holding her smile.Then a thought suddenly came to her

'Where on earth was am i?wasn't i am supposed to be dead?what the heck?if i am reborn,then why the freaking hell do i still remember my past?wasn't i supposed to forget about it?Anyhow now that i am reborn i suppose nothing will bad happen to this world so might as well enjoy my life' she thought to herself then yawn as the feeling of tiredness creeps out to her. She blink again before inwardly frowning

'Do i still have access to my chakra....oh wait i still fo have my chakra nice,at least my chakra reserves is still as large as i have before i die' she thought to herself happily unbeknownst to her the seal on her forehead never leave.
4 years Later

Sakura and Tanjiro are now 4 years old toddlers,their parents told her that she was a special child especially after finding out she know's a lot about herbs and has some kind of power-as they called it-for healing.

She often offers to heal her father but the man itself always refuses so she can't do anything but pout and about two months ago they have a new baby sister Nezuko Kamado,She has beautiful black hair with dark red eyes same as Tanjiro's

"Tanjiro,Sakura remember that the oldest sibling their first priority was always the younger sibling because one day i'll leave and i will have to leave you,your mother and your little sister Nezuko and it will be up to you too to protect her"Their father once said

"But papa i could heal why don't you want me to heal you to expand your life?"Sakura ask feigning innocent but inwardly was worried about her new father's health

"Sakura my dear,there's always a time of death for everyone,you can't save everyone on their death bed but you can save the injuries who's dying to live a life again"Their father answered

"Then why don't you want Sakura-nee to heal you papa?"Tanjiro ask in complete innocent that made their father smile at them

"It's up to peaple if they want your help or not in my case i already live long enough so i am alright especially when i know that two of my children will protect their siblings,And tanjiro make sure that thses Hanafuda earrings get pass down to you without any further delay"

"Why me papa?why not Sakura-nee?"Tanjiro ask tilting his head to the side

"Because the Hanafuda earrings are only pass down to males"Their father reply's.The day ends in their usual routine,

From helping their mother in the morning,eating lunch, playing in the afternoon,eating dinner watching their father do the Fire god dance(A/n:I think that's what it's called)Sleeping-for them because Sakura sneaks out sometimes to meditate before falling asleep
A/n:so guys i'm really sorry if the two first chapter is lame,i literally made this at the time 12:00 in the evening so while i was writing the first two chapter on my notebook i was really sleepy and my mind really wants to sleep but since i'm determined to finish this two chapter it became lame like this so i'm really sorry

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