{Chapter 3~The Kamado Family}

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9 years Later
Tanjiro and Sakura are already 13 years old,they we're only 11 when their father died so Sakura and Tanjiro always help their mother.They had five other siblings.

Nezuko Kamado,Takeo Kamado,Hanako Kamado, Shigeru Kamado and the youngest Rokuta Kamado. They-meaning Tanjiro and Sakura-took it upon themselves to help their family.

'This is my new life now,this time i won't fail to protect my new family,for our late father,i will use my knowledge and my chakra for my family.Sakura Haruno is gone and Sakura Kamado is now my name'Sakura thought to herself as she watch her younger sibling play in the snow

"Sakura-Onee-Chan,let's go the charcoals are ready we can head down the mountain today"Tanjiro's voice makes Sakura snaps in reality and face Tanjiro who was waving his hands at her

"Coming just wait up"Sakura yelled happily as she run forwards Tanjiro.When she reach Tanjiro she grab the other basket full of charcoal and face their mother who was gazing at them worriedly

"Onee-Chan,Nii-Chan can we come?"Shigeru ask happily,Sakura and Tanjiro laugh before patting his head and answering

"Sorry Shigeru but you have to stay here,it will be hard to go down the mountain specially because of the snow"Tanjiro reply smiling at his brother

"Aww but we promise not to make you carry us please"Hanako pleaded giving them a puppy face look which both find hard to say no but before Tanjiro could say yes Sakura beat to it

"I'm sorry Hanako maybe next time when the snow wasn't as thick as this alright"Sakura said gently patting her little sister on the head.

"Aw alright"Hanako and Shigeru both answer feeling dejected just when Takeo came looking grumpy

"Just promise us you'll bring us souvenirs"Takeo said grumpily then facing the other way refusing to meet his older sibling's gaze.Because of his antics Sakura chuckle inwardly

'Huh didn't know that he is a tsundere'Sakura thought as she chukle.She just smile at Takeo and pat his head

"Mom,Onee-chan and i are going now"Tanjiro called their mother

"Just be careful ok,you know you two don't have to do this"Their mother said worriedly

"Don't worry mother we rather work today than for you guys to starve right Onee-chan"Tanjiro said before facing his sister

"Tanjiro'r right,so we'll be going now mother"Sakura said with a smile,She and tanjiro wave goodbye to them before leaving along the way they met Nezuko with a sleeping Rokuta on the back

"Hey Nezuko"Tanjiro called

"Nee-chan,nii-chan,i'm just heading home i'm going to put Rokuta down"Nezuko said.Tanjiro and Sakura smile before patting both Nezuko's and Rokuta's head

"Alright,see you later Nezuko we still have to sell this charcoal"After sayung their goodbye to Nezuko they continue their journey but unbeknownst to them this will be the last time they will see them again
A/n:I'm sorry for the late update i hope you like this chapter

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