(Warning: Slight NSFW. Don't like, then skip that part.)


(Vyn's POV)

Finally. This is it. The Men's Grand Prix Final Single Short Program. I felt like crying! This is Yuri's first Senior Grand Prix final. And mine as well. I felt so proud that we both managed to get this far. But also nervous. What if all this training was for nothing and we come in last?

No! No, Vynette! Don't think like that! You managed to get this far with Yuri right by your side! I'll be there for him and he'll be there for me!

Not only that, but Yuuri is going to skate his best as well. Actually, I've been thinking about calling him father. Or dad. I know it's a little early but I'm the little amount of time of knowing him, he's been a part of the family. I can't wait to see his Eros performance. It's come a long way since the Hot Springs on Ice competition. Including Yuri's Agape.

I was standing next to Viktor and Yuuri, waiting for him to go out onto the ice first.

"Yuuri." Viktor clasped his hand and held it up to his lips, kissing the gold ring that was on his ring finger. "Good luck." Viktor smiled.

Yuuri nodded and smiled back as I smiled widely with tears at the corner of my eyes, squealing quietly. Yuuri lightly chuckled at my behavior and ruffled my hair. He then brought me in for a hug and placed a small peck of a kiss on my forehead. Well, as best as he could when the barrier of the ice rink was in between us.

"I'll do great." He said with a determined look in his eyes.

"I know you will." Viktor smiled lovingly, making me squeal louder.

Yuuri's name was then announced and he skated off to the center of the ice.

"DAVAI, DAD!" I shouted out loudly, causing Viktor and Yuuri to look back at me with a shocked expression. Yuuri then smiled widely as he waved at me.

"Awww! How sweet!" Viktor gushed. "But, who am I then?"

"Hmm... you'll be Papa." I smiled.

"I like it." He smiled back before focusing back on to his fiancé.

Dad got into his starting pose and once the Eros music started, he was off. His moves and flows as elegant as always.

His first jump was a triple axel which he nailed with such height. Then a quadruple combination. A salchow and a toe loop. And then... a quad flip?! Which Viktor tried mimicking the movements. He did amazing, but his hand kinda touched the ice. He still did it though! Yes!

I cheered loudly while clapping like crazy. "DAVAI! DAVAI! DAVAI, DAD! WHOOO!" I cheered as the music came to an ended.

He ended in his ending pose while panting heavily. But I stopped cheering once I noticed that he dropped to his hands and knees then buried his head in the ice.

Viktor and I stared in shock as we watched, not knowing what to do. But he stood back up and waved to the crowed with a small smile on his face, but we could easily tell he was worried.

He skated up to the entrance and exited the ice. Viktor and I immediately hugged him which he hugged back.

"You did amazing." I reassured with a big and proud smile.

"Thanks, Vyn." He lightly smiled as he ruffled my hair.

"Come on. Now to the Kiss and Cry." Viktor urged them grabbed his hand, dragging him to the booth to receive his score as I followed.

And he's currently in first with a score of 97.83. He didn't break the hundred mark but it's still a high score. I'm very proud.

After dad received his score, I moved over to sit next to Yuri who was sitting down on one of the benches with Lilia and Yakov by his side, waiting for his turn to come up.

 ~My Agape And Eros In One~ (Yuri Plisetsky Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now