Chp. 24

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Ashley's P.O.V

After agonizing minutes of thick silence, Crystal and Zelda finally returned with the three girls who had almost died but by the grace of Roxy, survived. It was obvious that they were searching for her absent body in the living room but she was gone. Her angry side was still as sexy as I remembered it being but she wouldn't even look at me for more than two seconds. Her metallic eyes were beyond black and, though I should have been scared, I wanted to see how far her anger would have taken her. Would she have lost herself to a human just to have me back? Was I even worth anything to her anymore? I wanted to know but she can't even look at me.

Am I really that bad?

"Well, Samantha really has no clear motive for her last string of attacks. These girls are like us but they're records are clean. Nothing connecting them to her or any of us. We also know that she wasn't targeting us. Our being there was purely coincidental seeing that she nearly died just from seeing Roxy." Crystal spoke from her position against the way, eyes still searching for Roxy. Her voice was tired, aging as she spoke. Noticing her mates distress, Zelda continued with the debrief. Her eyes occasionally fell on Crystal, making sure that she was still alright.

Samantha was killing senselessly at this point. The two locations, filled with elderly, parents and children, that basically had nothing in common, except for the fact that dragons were there. Was she hunting them? Collecting them for what? Thoughts crashed around inside my skull, often colliding and increase the pain of the aftermath. It just didn't make sense. Why hunt after the things that she supposedly cherished the most? Yeah Roxy had did a number on her but it doesn't justify what she's doing. For gods sake, her own pets are dragons. When the time comes, will she be willing to give them up as well?

The opening of a door creaked through my mind, disrupting my thoughts as my eyes focused on a more relaxed Roxy. New rips and tears had appeared on her clothing but she obviously didn't care, instead she just approached the girls. Their eyes racked over her, taking in her raw beauty and I couldn't blame them. She looked gorgeous. Her metallic eyes only focused themselves on the girls, giving them more than enough attention. Her tanned skin, flawlessly reflecting any light that touched her. Words couldn't describe the angry jealousy that fought within me. Why hadn't she looked at me that way? I'm her damn mate!

A hand gently cupped my shoulder, smoldering the rage that resided within me. Glancing up, that woman that held Roxy so closely loomed over me, her eyes watching over everything. She looked so clam, her touch reflected that as well. Giving Rox my attention again, I knew that I couldn't let her leave me again.

"Are you alright?" She asked the trio, her gaze softer than her voice. Unable to speak, they all nodded their heads. Their checks had already flared, taking on the shade of a rose and it was obvious that they were beyond interested in her.

"Good. I wouldn't want you all hurt over something too terrible. Would you all like to go home? I can have a few friends watch over you for protection, if you like." Again, they all nodded their heads, apparently mute in her presence. Smiling, she opened another portal and ensured the girls that it would get them home safely. Slowly, each girl walked through the portal, lingering behind just to be near her. Again, the jealousy roared within me. She wasn't flirting back by they were all over what belonged to me.

"What about you and Anthony?" Zola questioned, setting my nerves on fire. She actually spoke to me. Her green eyes radiated angrily behind mine but I couldn't care. She was actually talking with me. Closing my eyes, I forced myself away from Roxy and to my own dragon. She's grown, obviously, but she looked confined. Was it because of me? Because I never spoke to her, never tried after the initial shut down? Walking towards her, hand out reached, I rubbed her nose. I wanted her to know that I still cared. That I never stopped caring. She was me for gods sake. My hand rested against her snout, letting my warmth seep into her. I know it wouldn't mend all of the years of silence but I was trying.

Although it was within myself, I felt the walls crumbling. Collapsing on themselves, dragging away all of the pain along with it. I felt lighter. Better.

Opening my eyes, I found that the last girl had lingered behind. Her checks were bright red, her eyes shining with pride from talking to such a catch as Roxy. Before I understood what was happening, I was already by Roxy's side. The girl was obviously upset with my presence but I couldn't care less. She was flirting with the wrong girl. Tucking myself under Roxy, I waited for the girl to catch on and leave and eventually she did. Roxy had turned to stone beside me, every touch resetting all of her thoughts. Everyone had noticed but I didn't care. I didn't care that Anthony saw me throw myself at her. I didn't care all of them were watching me, smiling at my bold behavior.

"Can we talk please?" I begged, looking her directly in the eyes. She tried looking away. It was evident but in the end, she relented. Her gaze never leaving mine as she nodded her head.


Hey sorry that it took so long for an update. Schools taking a toll on me and I barely have time. Thanks for reading though. I honestly appreciate all of the feedback. Thanks you all.

<333 Kenzie

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