Chp. 13

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My heart shattered into a million pieces when I saw their beaten, bruised and disfigured bodies. They were lying next to each other, coated in blood that may or may not have belonged to them. I rushed to Anthony's side, kissing his forehead, and smoothed his hair back. His violet eyes held mine, even through the torture he stilled had the joyous twinkle in his eyes.

He was missing four fingers, two from each hand, and at least two of his teeth were torn out, judging from his swelling. I wanted to shout, to hunt the motherfucker down who did this and rip his throat out then hang him with it but I had to be here for him. For them.

I turned my attention to Marcus, who had several burn marks scattered all over his body. His jaw was slack and he could barely move and yet he was sitting here, waiting for me. They both waited for me because they knew I would worry. My tears flowed and I waved the doctors on, letting them save my family.

My fist connected with the wall in front of me and I couldn't even feel the pain. I rested my head against the wall and just kept punching. The salty tears bled down my face, creating a puddle on my shirt.

Liz wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head on my back, telling me that they would be okay. I turned around, still in her embrace, and snaked my arms around her neck. My head rested in the crook of her neck and I just continued crying.

It was my fault that they got caught. I was too caught up in saving this realm that I never thought about people hunting them. If I hadn't sent them out then they would still be okay. They didn't deserve this, I mean they couldn't hurt anything and yet they were tortured like wild animals.

Someone rested their hand on my back, sending electric volts throughout my body. I turned and what I saw made me feel like I was in heaven, despite almost losing my two brothers. There she was, right in front of me, looking like an angel. I untangled myself from Liz and enveloped Ashley in a tight embrace, kissing her forehead repeatedly.

Her face was buried on my shirt, muffling her cries. I looked up seeing Crystal, Sapphire and Zelda. They all wore sad expressions, I guess from seeing me break down. I finally composed myself and hugged them all individually. I kept Ash close by me and introduced the gang to Liz and her to them.

After the shock wore off, I thought about my situation. How did they find me and why were they here?

"We thought you died,Rox!" Zelda cried, hugging me with so much love and care.

I shook my head in confusion "Why would you think that? I told you guys that I was doing a job for Samantha." They all looked at me like I was crazy. "Why are you guy looking like that, this was a job. I ...." I stopped once a familiar blonde head appeared in the room.

"This wasn't suppose to happen. You were supposed to go to a regal family, not to the fucking Queen of all Vampires." She threw her hands up in frustration but something about her bothered me. Normally she always wore business clothes but she had been dressed in all black, tattered clothing. She reeked of blood...

My eyes morphed to complete darkness when realization hit me. My fist crushed her jaw, sending her crashing through several walls. Teleporting to her side, I stomped down on her rib cage, easily breaking her whole left side, praying that it punctured her heart. Her mouth screamed words that never reached my ears. I had her throat in my hands and held her high, squeezing harder every second. I could feel her life bleeding away, making me squeeze harder.

I couldn't hear nor see anyone, all that I cared about was ending her useless life. Before I could, someone rested their hand on my shoulder, slowly drawing out my rage. I looked down, fangs still draw, and found Ash's chocolate orbs staring into me. My eyes changed back to their metallic grey and I slowly released Samantha, dropping her useless body to the ground, not once leaving Ashley's gazes.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. My hands rested on her hips and I rested my forehead against hers. Something about her erased my pain and anger.

"It's okay, Rox. They're okay. Calm down, baby." Her velvet voice made me melt. Hearing her call me baby sent my nerves in a frenzy and before I knew what I was doing, my lips crashed into hers. She melted into my kiss instantly, kissing me back with the same amount of hunger and passion. My tongue swiped her lower lip begging for entrance and after a while, she granted it. Our tongues danced around in our mouths, getting familiar with one another. As I pulled her into me, her hands made their way into my hair and were lost instantly. I nibbled on her lower lip, causing a little moan to surface, and I smiled into the kiss.

I pulled away from the kiss slowly, giving her a small pecks on the lips, before resting my forehead against hers. Her breathing was heavy and her knees were weak. I held on to her tightly, afraid that she would collapse from the blissful pleasure.

I went to kiss her again but Liz was by my side and I could smell her dread and pain. She loved me and I knew that when she saw me with Ash, it killed her. I gave Ash one last kiss one the forehead before turning my attention back to Liz.

"We have to do it now, Rox." She said, her expression was calm but every nerve in her body was on fire. I knew that we had to do it but I didn't want to leave Ashley again, not when I just got her back.

My gaze found Crystal's and she seemed to understand everything, just by that one look. She gathered everyone near her, prying Ashley away from me and dragging Samantha's unconscious body with her. Ashley shouted and cried, beggin to be with me and my heart stopped beating. Xena knew what we had to do but even she tried taking control and running after Ash.

Tears pored down my face as Crystal opened the portal, back to her Realm. "Take care of her, okay?" I asked with pleading eyes and Crystal nodded sympathetically. Ashley was thrashing around in her grasp, trying so hard to get to me. Liz held me back, knowing that I wanted to leave and chase after the brown haired beauty.

They all disappeared into the portal and I turned my back to where they use to be, just looking made me want to cry.

"Let's go." I said tears still streaming down my face and we headed off to Abby's Quarters.


Ashley's P.O.V. (Zelda's Realm)

She finally let me go and I dashed towards the portal, closing just as I reached it. I pounded on the wall, crying her name, hoping that the portal would open up again. My pounds turned to tiny taps and I slid down the wall, crying for her.

Sapphire wrapped her arms around me, calming my shaking body. I cried in her embrace for an eternity before I could get myself together.

"Why did she leave me again? She doesn't care does she?" My hoarse voice cracked at the thought of her not caring at all. "I mean I had spent forever looking for her and this is what happens when I finally find her?"

"Hey, hey. Calm down, hun. You know she loves you, but being there wasn't safe for any of us. She was just protecting you, okay?" She kissed my forehead, running her fingers through my hair. "She just didn't want you to get hurt a--"

"I'm fucking destroyed now. If she didn't want me hurt, she would have let me stay with her. She didn't even chase after me." I started crying again and before I knew it, I had cried myself to sleep with her on my mind.

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