Chapter 25

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I've been in the house millions of time, wandering these seemingly unending halls, but as I walked down the corridor with Roxy by my side, I felt nervous. Cold nipped at my exposed skin, making my skin clammy and pale. Despite the indescribable chill, I was sweating profusely. The corridor became smaller and smaller the closer we got to the door, threatening to fade, along with my chance of speaking with this gorgeous woman. It had been three years since we last spoke because of my childish behavior. I couldn't shake the feeling that she hated me. Talking with me was obviously a problem considering I had to beg but she agreed, so some small portion of her wants to speak, right?

Glancing to my side, I finally noticed her. Her cheek bones were sharper, more defined than the last I saw her. Through her tattered clothing I could see her body that she basically sculpted to perfection; her stomach toned and her ass firm, like wine, she got better with age. Her eyes though, they were hollow. It seemed as if the metallic color was fading throughout her, making her immune to any emotions. I could tell she was hurting, trying to mask her pain with numbness and I wanted to hold her in this brief time.

I caused this.

A few maids passed us on their way towards their rooms or jobs, each greeting us with warm hellos and genuine smiles. She was the first to reach the door, holding it open and waiting for me to past through before she did. Smiling a thanks, I slipped out into the open air. The cold nipped away at my skin, erupting volcanos of shivers throughout my body. I immediately wanted to go inside but I couldn't decide if it was from the cold or the fear of seeing her hatred for me without having any bring to hide behind. I was scared, that was obvious but I couldn't get out of this, primarily because she blocked the door, I had to make things right with this jewel.

She leaned upon the glass railing, looking out over the vast ice land that belonged to her friend. Snow blanketed everything within the eye can see, the moons pale rays reflecting perfectly off of it. She didn't shiver the way I did, the cold seeming to not have effected her at all. Her perfect black hair played gently with the breeze that passed by often, shrouding her face from eyesight.

"What'd you wanna talk about Ash? You're near freezing and you've just been watching me. If you were gonna do this, we could have stayed in." She breathed out irritably, glancing at me from the corner or her eyes. The hollowness had gone, completely vanished. I could see her raw emotions, her pure anger and rage wrapping around her joy. I could see it all and it pained me, so fucking much.

"You can yell if you want. I can take it. I left you three years ago; I hurt you. So I'm giving you the chance.. Just please don't hate me." I couldn't bring myself to look in her eyes as my voice cracked and the tears poured from my lidded eyes. I wanted her to get out some of that rage instead of bottling it up and using it on whoever. I deserved it the most. I left her desolate and alone but I couldn't seem to let her go. Even after I said I hated her I knew I didn't mean it. All I wanted was her by my the entire three years of her vacancy. I was so dangerously in love with this girl that the mere thought of losing her, again, killed me.

I don't really know what happened, or how she got so close to me without being heard but the next second, her lips were against mine, kissing me hungrily. She demanded my attention and I couldn't break the kiss even if I wanted to. Her hands roughly held my neck, helping her deepen the kiss. The feeling of her warm, soft lips against mine was mind numbing as I begged for more. Her velvet tongue slid in my mouth, winning dominance immediately and almost bringing me to my knees. My hands gripped the sides of her shirt, forcing her close to me, trying to destroy as much space between us as possible. I wanted her so fucking badly.

Breaking the kiss, despite my whines and whimpers, she rested her head against mine, the pair of us breathing heavily as we caught our breathe. My eyes were closed but I could feel her looking at me, studying me up close and personal.

"I could never hate you, can't you see that. This whole time has been hell, knowing that I couldn't touch you or talk to you or think about you damn there destroyed you. I'm not angry at you and I never was. I'm mad at myself for pushing you to that point. I'm in love with you and I always will be." Her voice was so sincere that the tears flowed again, her thumb wiping them away as they fell. When I opened my eyes, she was still watching me, the past bundles of hatred soften to her loving gaze that I'd missed.

We stayed out there till the sun rose just talking about the three years that we were separated; how I got to talking with a boy of all people once we split and how much we thought of each other. She told me about all the places she went to try and, sadly, kill herself, about how she would chastise herself for even thinking about it but havering no one to stop her. About how her father captured her and took her back to her hellish void that her "father" called home. She told me about her mother and how she didn't mean to kill her and how she too hated her husband, despises him because he succumbed to the power that the crown offered. Raine had saved this girl and her mother from him, watched over her once her mother had passed and how she never stopped loving Rox despite all that she had done.

She told me so much about what happened and I never lost interest. I loved hearing her stories because she would absentmindedly smile whenever she spoke of Raine or her late mother. Regardless of the location they took place in, she always smiled because of those two girls.

Hours later, Crystal came out to gather us, telling us that we need sleep and that there was a spare room for Rox. Tony was already in our room. In all honesty, I had forgotten he was here with me. I didn't want to got back to him but that was my only option.


HEY sorry that it's taken so long to update just been busy wiring other thing anywhos, thank you all that still read for reading. I'll try to update this book more often.

Thanks agains.
You guys/girls rock!!

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